Online Courses

University of Delaware Cooperative Extension offers year-round learning to the public in the form of presentations, webinars, certification courses and educational demonstrations.
View a previous course below or visit our program calendar to register for upcoming events!
More health & wellness courses
Reducing sodium in the diet is one way to help manage high blood pressure. This program provides participants with tools to reduce sodium in meal preparation through better grocery shopping strategies and to make better selections when dining out.
(Runtime: 12 minutes)

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- Go to the video you'd like to watch.
- Find the button labelled "CC" on the bottom right of the video player next to the "gear" icon.
- To turn on Captions, click the "CC" button. (To turn off captions, click again.)
Upcoming Events
More financial management courses
This session will provide information and answer questions about Economic Impact Payments, Tax Filing Extensions, and Avoiding scams. (Runtime 42 min)
A panel discussion with mortgage and housing industry leaders. What to do if you can't pay your mortgage, what has changed in the mortgage/housing industry since COVID-19, how to prepare for homeownership and more.
(Runtime: 55 min)
Are you stressed about money? This session will provide some strategies to de-stress, take control and be mindful about money issues. (Runtime 36 min)
More Lawn & Garden courses
Learn what signs and symptoms the Extension Specialists use to identify plant pests and diseases. Tips and techniques will be shared using the microscope and hand lens, video and picture.
Join master gardener, Gail Hermenau, to learn how to identify, prepare and begin vegetable gardening on a small scale.
Learn to identify insect and disease pests, as well as beneficial insects in the landscape. Find out what signs and symptoms are used to identify pests and diseases.
Weeds, the "green invaders" of our lawns and gardens, are a constant challenge for gardeners. This presentation will review weed identification, and introduce various methods of weed management and control.

UD Cooperative Extension converts 100 programs online for Delaware residents
The 1964 federal mandate for all land-grant institutions like UD, to adopt “all reasonable efforts” to reach the public looks considerably different in 2020. It turns out, switching gears was second nature for UD Cooperative Extension. When a century-old organization steeped in a tradition of direct face-to-face outreach was tasked to embrace new methods to reach their audience, they met the challenge with a ‘can-do’ attitude.