Giving to UD has the power to change the world.
Our students and faculty work every day to solve society’s most complex problems with groundbreaking solutions. Solutions fueled by passion, drive and philanthropy.
From our loyal alumni to dedicated parents and visionary corporations and foundations, our donors are not just giving to UD, but through UD, to help advance our campus, our community and our world.
THANK YOU - Blue Hen Stories: Fueled by Giving: youtube.com/watch?v=ahfZvhg6EfM
At UD, philanthropy fuels student success. From classrooms, laboratories, libraries and art galleries; to hospitals, boardrooms, courtrooms and schools; from their first walk on the Green, to graduation, to wherever their journey takes them—donors touch every part of campus life. Every stop along a student’s journey is made possible by the donors who stand beside them.