Blue Hen Traditions
Since 1743, the University of Delaware has been building a sense of community and inclusion across its campus through many traditions. During their time at UD, students are invited to explore a variety of opportunities that allow them to embrace the school's history.
UD Welcome Days
At the beginning of every fall and spring semester, the University of Delaware hosts many events during UD Welcome Days. These opportunities allow students to connect with their new community and explore all that UD has to offer. All students are encouraged to make the most of the start of the semester—and maybe cross an item off their UD Bucket List—by joining us for this opening weekend tradition.

Welcome Days Events

Twilight Ceremony
At the beginning of every fall semester, all new students gather on The Green to participate in the Twilight Induction Ceremony. During this candlelight ceremony, UD leadership welcomes and honors the newly inducted class while sharing what it means to be a Blue Hen.

Involvement Fair
Hosted during the fall and spring semesters, this signature event showcases more than 300 clubs, organizations and activities available to students. Students are given the chance to meet new people, seek out leadership roles and explore their interests. Don’t miss out on this chance to make new connections and create unforgettable experiences.

Gameday 101
This annual kickoff event gives students a chance to learn all there is to know about Blue Hens' spirit and traditions before football season starts. This includes learning where and what "The Barn" is and meeting the Delaware Athletics programs. The pep rally night also includes food, DJs, inflatables, yard games and many more activities.

Blue Hen Fridays
Students are encouraged to show their Blue Hen pride by wearing blue and gold every Friday! They can also join in the spirit via social channels by using the hashtag #BlueHenFridays.
Parents and Family Weekend
The annual Parents and Family Weekend celebration provides families with an opportunity to visit their students and witness firsthand the excellence in collaboration, programming and connection that the campus community strives for.
This event is a chance to create lifelong memories with your student and the Blue Hen community. During the weekend, there are various activities, including the PFW Kickoff, college-hosted events and student-led events, as well as the football game and tailgate.

Students, alumni, families and friends are invited to celebrate Homecoming every fall. From the Blue Hen tailgate to student events, every fall semester there are numerous festivities leading up to the big game to amp up spirit.
Perkins Live
Perkins Live is a long standing weekly late-night event series on Fridays in the Perkins West Lounge. The program features headlining acts such as comedians and musicians, award-winning game shows, novelty items, free food and more!

Trabant Now
Trabant Now is a late-night event series on Saturdays in the Trabant University Center during the fall and spring semesters. The Trabant Now series is hosted and run by different student organizations and departments each week that partner with the University Student Centers.
Favorites throughout the semester include drag shows put on by the Lavender Programming Board, APSA's annual Night Market and the Battle of the Bands.
Geek Week has become a recent tradition on UD's campus that celebrates everyone's "inner geek." Throughout the week there's geeky activities such as game tournaments, guest speakers, on-campus arcades and more!

Greek Week
Greek Week is a week-long celebration of events and competitions in the spring among the fraternities and sororities. Activities include the Greek Games and Airband. Sororities and fraternities compete against each other in numerous events to support their philanthropic efforts.
UDance Dance Marathon
UDance is a student-run philanthropic organization at the University of Delaware, dedicated to fighting childhood cancer. Throughout the year, organizations raise awareness throughout the community using social media and events both on and off campus while providing immediate and direct financial aid to families affected by childhood cancer. At the end of each spring, everyone's dedication and hard work are celebrated with a 12-hour dance marathon. Participants and the honored B+ Heroes are invited to the party.

Senior Week
This week-long celebration honors the seniors at UD during their final spring semester, including activities and giveaways to celebrate their accomplishments.
The week concludes with Senior Fling: a long-standing event celebrating the last Friday of classes, featuring free food, inflatables, novelties, lawn games and a throwback artist/band. Although this event is an opportunity for seniors to celebrate their final days before graduation, all UD students are welcome to attend.
Want to explore all of UD's Traditions?
Take the challenge of completing the UD Bucket List. The UD Bucket List engages Blue Hens with experiences that best define what it means to be a part of the UD community. Participants share UD traditions, stay connected and build the common bond of being #BlueHensForever.
Participants who complete all of the items on the list can submit their finished list to win prizes.