UD Safety & Wellness

UD's commitment
to ensuring a healthy
& safe environment
The University of Delaware is constantly innovating to keep everyone safe, healthy and comfortable in this rapidly changing world. Learn more about steps you can take to join us in this commitment.
Dial 911 if you have an emergency
Campus Safety Enhancements in Progress
This website aggregates campuswide safety resources and information as a one-stop digital destination.
In addition to the installation of 10 additional safety blue lights across campus, UD Police and UD Facilities undertook a campuswide lighting study; we are using the results to design a multi-year plan for lighting enhancements.
Colleagues in the UD and Newark city police departments have been working to strengthen coordination and timely exchange of information.
The university will be testing a new Panic Alarm safety tool available to all students and staff through the LiveSafe app. This will provide a silent panic button within the app to connect LiveSafe users to the UDPD 911 Center. UDPD will immediately dispatch officers to the users’ location.
The Office of Communications and Marketing is working closely with UD Police and Newark Police to update the community whenever criminal activity occurs on or near campus. Crime Updates provide timely information to help the campus community learn about practices and resources that can help keep everyone safe. More than 6,700 community members now subscribe to these updates, which are posted on UDaily and include information on campus safety resources.
Student Wellness & Health Promotion, Fraternity and Sorority Leadership & Learning, and Athletics are working together to increase training within fraternity/sorority and student-athlete populations. UD is also augmenting staff in this area to support collaborative efforts between the University and our students to improve awareness and action.
UD continues to partner with the Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender Based Violence and Student Wellness and Health Promotion (SWHP) to implement best practices, including awareness programs and training, exploring the creation of new credit-based courses, and funding advocacy services on campus. With the Center’s support, this fall we will launch a Coordinated Campus Response Team, which will be charged with assessing, planning, and monitoring campus prevention and response efforts.
Campus Safety Resources

Sexual Assault
When violence happens, it is never the victim’s fault. Numerous resources exist on campus to help victims, including:
- The UD Helpline offers 24-hour victim support from licensed clinicians, who can explain options and resources. Call 302-831-1001, Option 1
- Student Wellness and Health Promotion offers professional, certified victim advocates who can provide ongoing assistance and support

Safe Travel
Ride Safe Program
A free ride safe program is available from any University location and specific areas off campus. To arrange for an escort, call (302) 831-RIDE, use the LiveSafe app or a blue light emergency phone.
Late Night Shuttle
A shuttle bus is available for students traveling from campus to their nearby off-campus residences from 6 pm-1 am. The pick-up points are Morris Library, Perkins Student Center, Townsend Hall and the STAR Health Science Building. Requests can be made using the same 831-RIDE phone number or the LiveSafe app. Coverage area for the service can be seen on this map.
Both the UD shuttle and UD golf cart rides are available from 6 p.m. - 1 a.m., 7 days a week.
Call 302-831-RIDE or use the LiveSafe app to request service.
Stay Informed

UD Alert, UD's primary emergency notification tool, allows UD to send emergency messages within minutes. UD Alert is activated only during major emergencies, situations where there is an imminent danger to the safety and welfare of students, faculty and staff, or if a state of emergency is declared.

LiveSafe provides a quick tip submittal via text with picture and video attachments (including the option to stay anonymous), live chat with safety officials, fast access to emergency phone numbers that initiate location tracking when dialed, a comprehensive safety map, and a peer-to-peer location monitoring with concurrent group chat feature called SafeWalk. Additionally, app users can receive important broadcast notifications sent by UDPD.
Social Media Updates
The University Police Department works in collaboration with the Office of Communications and Marketing to leverage social media in communicating real-time updates in an emergency.