The True Blue Hen Loyalty Society recognizes donors who make a gift of any size for at least three consecutive fiscal years (July 1 to June 30). Current students and parents are recognized when they make their first gift to UD and remain philanthropic throughout their time at the University.
The collective annual support from these 14,000 dedicated alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff and students helps ensure UD’s people and programs have the resources needed to grow and thrive.
True Blue Hens are celebrated for giving milestones and anniversaries, recognized in appropriate donor listings and publications and updated on the impact of their support.
Recognition is based on gifts made during a fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.
Ready to be a True Blue Hen?

“I made my first gift to UD as a student. I wanted to ensure future Blue Hens would have access to the same opportunities that made my UD experience so special. I have been a loyal True Blue Hen donor and have given to the same program now for more than 14 years! Tuition covers less than half the cost needed to fund the student experience each year, and the support of loyal annual donors keeps the door open for students to access UD’s amazing resources.”
–Stefanie Murray, BE11
True Blue Hen Loyalty Society donor
loyal donors make things possible...
True Blue Hen Loyalty Society | Alumni & Friends | University of Delaware $25
can provide art materials needed for design projects
True Blue Hen Loyalty Society | Alumni & Friends | University of Delaware $50
can cover the cost of presenting fees for a local conference
True Blue Hen Loyalty Society | Alumni & Friends | University of Delaware $100
can fund a student's professional membership dues
True Blue Hen Loyalty Society | Alumni & Friends | University of Delaware $250
can cover the cost of an experiential learning class trip
True Blue Hen Loyalty Society | Alumni & Friends | University of Delaware $500
can purchase three cameras for researchers to study specimens

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Delaware Diamonds Society
The Society recognizes donors who make annual leadership gifts ($1,000+) to support the UD programs they care about most.