The Parent & Family Leadership Council (PFLC) is a community of UD parents and families dedicated to maintaining the opportunities and prestige of the University of Delaware. The PFLC works together to increase parent involvement and raise vital dollars for the Parents Fund in support of the Division of Student Life.
PFLC members reside in regions around the country and represent all four undergraduate classes at UD. A dedicated and active Council helps guide the work of the Division of Student Life and the Office of Parent & Family Giving and Student Life Philanthropy and provides valuable feedback from the parent perspective.
The PFLC is overseen by the vice president for Student Life, Senior National Chairs and Junior National Chairs.
For more information, contact Tracy E. Smith.
PFLC Mission Statement
The mission of the PFLC is to build relationships with parents and families that lead to increased interest in financially supporting the University of Delaware. Council members act as advocates and work to increase parent involvement and raise vital dollars for the Parents Fund in support of the Division of Student Life. Members commit to gifts of $2,500 or more to the Parents Fund. The PFLC works through the University Office of Development and Alumni Relations’ Office of Parent & Family Giving and is overseen by the vice president for Student Life.
Council Member Role Description
UD Parent and Family Leadership Council members will serve a one-year renewable term and will be asked to:
- Make an annual leadership gift of $2,500 or more to the UD Parents Fund
- Serve as a positive ambassador for the Parents Fund, the Division for Student Life and the University of Delaware
- Consider a legacy gift of $50,000 or more in honor of their student's graduation
- Educate fellow UD parents about the importance of supporting the Parents Fund
- And more
Parents and Family Leadership Council
Senior National Chairs |
Stephanie Rarick, AS93, P25, P27Tate Rarick, BE93, P25, P27 |
Junior National Chairs |
Liz Woodhour, P26Bill Woodhour, BE87, P26 |
Members |
Suzanne Becker, P25 |
Thorsten Becker, P25 |
Jenn Baur BE95, P28 |
Michael Baur, P28 |
Jackie Cranford, P27 |
Todd Cranford, P27 |
Mark Dellose, AS89, P23, P25 |
Kristin Duncan, AS98, P28 |
Pete Duncan, AS04, P28 |
Kim Flanigan, AS97, P27 |
Mike Flanigan, BE98, P27 |
Julie Griffin, P23, P25 |
Stacey Garb, P25 |
Larry Garb, P25 |
Joanne Geshickter, P25 |
Chris Geschickter, P25 |
Alison Grant, P25 |
Peggy Guiliano, P27 |
Joe Guiliano, P27 |
Dana Herr, P28 |
Doug Herr, P28 |
Ignatius Hneleski III, P25, P27 |
Sundae Hneleski P25, P27 |
Neil Kalin, P25 |
Joanie Kalin, P25 |
Robin Levin, AS92, P27, P28 |
Sara Levine, P26 |
Heath Levine, P26 |
Norma Locke, P13, P14, P16, P27 |
Chris Locke, 84BE, P13, P14, P16, P27 |
Benjamin Mabie, AS93, P26 |
Jennifer Mabie, AS93, P26 |
Remy Richman, BE91, P23, P25 |
Stephen Roseman, P27, P28 |
Jennifer Savarese, P23, P26 |
Jason Savarese, P23, P26 |
Abrea Truskin, P26 |
Scott Truskin, P26 |
Seth Weingarten, P26 |
Karyn Weingarten, P26 |
Bill Woodhour, BE87, P26 |
Liz Woodhour, P26 |
Judd Wright, P22, P25 |