UD Student Alumni Ambassadors (UDSAAs) are a group of undergraduate students selected for their outstanding achievements and leadership on campus.

Learn more and follow the UD Student Alumni Ambassador on Instagram @UDSAA.
Our Student Alumni Ambassadors:

Encourage school spirit through events and through participation in the #UDBucketList

Serve as advisory members to the University community and the UD Alumni Association

Educate UD peers on the importance of alumni impact through philanthropy at UD

Aspire to actively engage UD alumni upon graduation

Support the Office of Development and Alumni Relations (DAR)

Foster connections among UD alumni and students
Our Executive Board:

Michael DiPascale
Vice President
Fun Fact: I have played the saxophone for over a decade!

Liliana Rafoth
Vice President of Administration
Fun Fact: I've played piano since I was 6!

Trinity Hunt
Vice President of Membership
Fun Fact: I have dual citizenship in the US and UK!

Isla Larson
Vice President of Philanthropy
Fun Fact: I can drive manual transmission cars!

Congratulations to UDSAA Kerri Oliver, Class of 2025, recipient of the 2024 UD Alumni Association T. Muncy Keith Spirit Award!
The Student Alumni Ambassadors are a diverse group of undergraduate students selected through a competitive process who
- Encourage school spirit and active participation in campus life.
- Foster connections between alumni and students both by interacting with current alumni and by encouraging students to consider their role as future alumni.
- Support the work of the Office of Alumni Relations by serving as student hosts at events of importance to the University community.
- Serve as an advisory board that meets on occasion with the President and senior administrators to help them stay in touch with the ambitions, thoughts and concerns of current students.
- Act as a voice for the entire University community, especially through their connections to other student groups and organizations on campus, and use these connections to make positive contributions to the campus and the local community.
- Aspire to become active UD alumni whose lives will reflect positively on the institution.
Potential Student Alumni Ambassadors should possess, or should have the potential to possess, many of these characteristics:
- Strong communication skills
- Positive, enthusiastic and confident attitude
- Reliability and dependability
- Demonstrated leadership skills and experience
- Patience, tact, flexibility and diplomacy
- Interest in community service
- Overwhelming pride in the University of Delaware
Student Alumni Ambassadors are expected to attend regular meetings (usually held on weekday evenings) during the fall and spring semesters to discuss and plan for upcoming activities and events. SAAs should communicate regularly during the winter and summer with the group, and may be asked to volunteer during those times, though it is not mandatory. In addition, Student Alumni Ambassadors are expected to assist with University events, such as Homecoming, Parents Weekend, Commencements, Alumni Association awards ceremonies and other events.
Because it is an honor to serve as a Student Alumni Ambassador, many benefits are intangible, such as influencing the future of the University through meetings with the President and senior administrators. Tangible benefits include:
- Excellent public relations experience to build personal and professional skills—great resume builders!
- Potential for networking with prominent University alumni and friends
- In-depth knowledge of the University of Delaware
- Student Alumni Ambassador apparel
- Great friendships
- Opportunity to be awarded the T. Muncy Keith Spirit Award, a $1,000 scholarship presented annually by the University of Delaware Alumni Association to the Student Alumni Ambassador who has made, or has the potential to make, the greatest contributions to the group.
- Full-time undergraduate status at the University of Delaware (freshman, sophomore, junior).
- Minimum UD cumulative GPA of 2.50, which will be verified by the Selection Committee.
- Good disciplinary standing with the Judicial Affairs Office.

Check Off the UD Bucket List!
Relive your favorite UD traditions and experiences to tap into your Blue Hen feeling, earn bragging rights and score swag. All you have to do is submit the items you've checked off the UD Bucket List by May 8!