Class of 2024 Giving Honor Roll
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THANK YOU for participating in the Class of 2024 Giving initiative and CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!
Your philanthropic example will make a difference for future Blue Hens and positively impact the UD causes you care about most. Thank you for ensuring UD students can benefit from the people, programs and initiatives that made your experience so memorable.
The University of Delaware is proud to recognize the graduating students who made gifts to UD this academic year (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) by displaying their names below.
Class of 2024 Giving Honor Roll
Dalya Abdelsalam
Hannah E. Abkin
Justin I. Abreu
Sasha E. Ahern
Alexis K. Aiello
Mia R. Alexander-Oliver
Ryan L. Altman
Grace L. Anderson
Ann T. Antonov
Kofi A. Antwi
Hanna A. Armstrong
Asma Arshad
Joshua C. Artis
Tal Assor
Sarah M. Attieh
Jillian E. Attinelly
Mia A. Aube
Brooks B. Baker
Sanchita Balachandran
Katherine J. Ballinger
Kristina Balta
Ashley H. Becker
Zachary R. Belaskas
Brooke A. Bellissimo
Christopher M. Bennett
Diana K. Bibinski
Jacob E. Bishop
Kelsey M. Blejwas
Meredith J. Blowman
Kelli A. Bonante
Margaret E. Borinski
Daniel J. Bowers
Simon Brand
Rachel M. Brieger
Sarah Jane E. Brown
Kendall A. Bryan
Ava M. Buckalew
Storme Anne Buckle
Kiera Budris
Tobias E. Bulk
Cameryn P. Cain
Celia M. Capone
Samantha M. Carella
Olivia M. Caruso
Angel B. Casanova
Emma C. Cashman
Ryan T. Casto
Brian J. Chansky
Nicholas T. Cho
Aislyn E. Ciecwicz
Chelsea C. Cohen
Danielle C. Collman
Abigail K. Conway
Allison Cook
Sarah M. D'Antonio
Bradley E. Daugherty
Jordan J. Davis
Alexandra de Sadow
Hailey A. Dearborn
Jake G. DeMilta
Alyssa M. Deonarine
Mycah J. Detorres
Abigail M. Diaz
Grace E. Diehl
Elliott S. Dobson
Nicholas B. Domenico
Sarah E. Donaldson
Tyler V. Dorsney
Anuar Dorzhigulov
Olivia L. Downs
Alexander J. Drucquer
Isabella L. Duarte
Menelik T. Duey
Michael T. Eckerle
Jeremiah M. Epting
Zeppelin Evans
Alexa L. Ferrone
James R. Fishman
Olivia N. Francisco
Gavin P. Frankenheimer
Grace B. Frishman
Kelsey L. Galiger
Catherine M. Gilman
Elizabeth G. Goodale
Jessica A. Gratkowski
Bianca M. Harris
Alexis C. Hicks
Anne M. Hoban
Reyna Hoinowski
Farzana Hossain
Grace A. Hrustich
Thomas S. Jackson
James W. Johnson
Tyler F. Jones
Kristelle J. Juhasz
Renee M. Juliano
Alena M. Jusino
Mackenna G. Kerrick
Lois Kim
Alexandra R. Kinsey
Garrett M. Knobl
Zachary J. Krouse
Mary M. Ladely
Joshua P. LaFrance
Gabrielle K. Lane
Geraldine Lara-Silva
Autumn B. Legar
Fiona M. Letko
Jonathan A. Levit
Mathieu Lippens
Abigail H. Long
Miabella C. Lovell
Virginia Sue Willers Lunger
Kelsi H. Lussier
Jillian P. MacDonald
Mahadev M. Maitri
Julia R. Malich
Corey F. Marks
Ciara E. Mbuakoto
Natalie R. McMaster
Adriana Mencia
Jenna N. Miller
Thomas R. Montooth
Jennifer S. Moran
Finley G. Moreland
Gabriella M. Morra
Kyle S. Morris
Thanh Nguyen
Priscilla A. NIcolini
Grace O'Leary
Julie Orlando
Brooke L. Oxenhandler
Juboraj Roy Pavel
William A. Pease
Madisen A. Poster
Ernesto Primera
Emily L. Principe
Carolin N. Pulster
Cole E. Purcell
Faizel Quabili
Rielly J. Ragni
Daniel J. Ramos
Robert J. Reardon
Allison G. Rebuck
Amanda S. Renshaw
Alexander I. Repolle
Ariana C. Revilla
Terrique L. Riddick
Meghan A. Roach
Emilee R. Rodolfo
Sara E. Rossetti
Emily M. Rossi
Emily E. Rossini
Yezame I. Rubelo
Asish Prem Sridhar Sadaram
Gabrielle L. Sakellariou
Freni P. Sampat
Emily Santos
Julia B. Sayco
Evelyn M. Schloer
Sarah N. Scotti
Sydney E. Segear
David R. Shapiro
Rafsan Siddiqui
Jaden N. Snipes
Abby E. Sproul
Julles A. Stevenson
John P. Thomaidis
Daniela M. Thompson
Ella L. Timbers
Isabella E. Truzzolino
Brooklyn E. Tyndall
Elise M. Uhrig
Victor E. Umoren-Udo Jr.
Michael R. Van Sprang
Anne L. van Zelst
Meghan G. Volk
Usha Vyas
Yamini A. Vyas
Cole P. Walker
Ruopeng Wang
Daniel N. Waryn
Zachary M. Waterman
Rebecca K. Wax
John V. Welborn
Zachary J. Welsh
Sarah M. Wessel
Harrison T. Williams
Kacey E. Willis
Jenna A. Wright
Julia M. Wright
Jessica M. Yanosik
Salma M. Youssef
Lauren R. Yudin
Lily E. Zieg
Nadine H. Zien
Xue Zong