Pesticide Safety Education Program
Pesticide Safety Education Program
The University of Delaware Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) promotes responsible decision-making and actions to protect pesticide users, public health, plant and animal health, and the environment. UDE PSEP offers information, training, and resources for pesticide applicators and the general public.
Anyone buying or using a restricted pesticide must be certified by the Delaware Department of Agriculture. Anyone in the business of applying pesticides, either restricted use or general use, to the land or property of another must be certified and obtain a Pesticide Business License. The goal of this section of the University of Delaware Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) website is to provide information for initial certification, recertificaton, and general pesticide and pest management information.
Some resources listed reside on non-Univeristy of Delaware, for example the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) page. When you access these pages a new window will open to link you to these resources.