Healthy Living Curriculum
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Delaware 4-H programming empowers youth to be healthy – body and mind – with the skills to make healthy decisions and lead healthy lifestyles.
Delaware 4-H offers local youth the opportunity to develop healthier lifestyles and stay active. Check out the exciting programs below and find out how to get started!

Health & Wellness Ambassadors
Delaware 4-H Health & Wellness Ambassadors are official representatives and promoters of holistic healthy living, including fitness, nutrition, mindfulness and substance use prevention. Come on board with us to share your passion for health and wellness and gain valuable community outreach experience.
Delaware 4-H Health & Wellness Ambassadors are official representatives and promoters of holistic healthy living, including fitness, nutrition, mindfulness and substance use prevention. Come on board with us to share your passion for health and wellness and gain valuable community outreach experience.
Ultimate Goals of Health & Wellness Ambassadors:
- Learn about and promote healthy lifestyle choices
- Create media about healthy living
- Community outreach & education
- Asset building, education, and promotion
- Create and facilitate community change
Who should join?
Teens ages 13-18 interested in cultivating skills of health, wellness, and leading a healthy lifestyle! If you are looking for a way to gain professional or volunteer experience in health and wellness, this is for you!
What does becoming a Health and Wellness Ambassador entail?
Register to recieve a monthly updates of community and educational opportunities that focus on areas of health and wellness such as; nutrition, mindfulness, fitness, prevention, and more! You will have opportunities to serve in your community and meet both virtually and in person with other teens interested in wholistic wellness.
Delaware Goes Purple
Delaware 4-H youth share strategies they embrace to stay healthy (and substance-free)! Learn more about DelawareGoesPurple.
Caroline and Melissa Allen
Video: Staying Substance-Free: Staying Substance-Free: Caroline and Melissa Allen: youtube.com/watch?v=X2zgElqDC8I
Braedon Higbee
Video: Staying Substance-Free: Breadon Higbee: youtube.com/watch?v=aTGYwYNDFkQ
Brenna Geidel and Maddison Crossley
Video: Staying Substance-Free: Brenna Geidel and Maddison Crossley: youtube.com/watch?v=6C2C8r62JQ8

Healthy vegetables and fruits we should all eat
The Delaware 4-H Program joins in partnership with GOLO, LLC to promote and provide important information on vegetables and fruits we should all eat to be healthier. We appreciate the monetary support of GOLO to our 4-H program around the initiative of Healthy Living, and their interest in the health and well being of our 4-H youth. Please take time to review this information and include more vegetables and fruits in your normal daily diets. Look for additional information we will be sharing on a quarterly basis about other vegetables and fruits to eat.

Apples, fresh, dried, or juiced, offer great nutritional value.
Over 7,500 varieties of apples are grown worldwide.
Apple trees take 4-5 years to produce fruit.
Common varieties include Honey Crisp, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji, Pink Lady, and McIntosh.
The crabapple is the only apple native to North America.
Apples are a heart healthy fruit that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Apples are fat free, sodium free, and cholesterol free.
Apples are nutrient dense and filled with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

- Broccoli is great fresh, steamed, or frozen.
It is very versatile – can be raw or cooked, in casseroles, soups or salads, or in stir-fry.
It is an excellent source of fiber, Vitamin C, and potassium.
For the best taste, choose broccoli with a firm stem and tightly packed florets that are dark in color.
Dark color indicates high nutrient levels.
Broccoli is present in many ethnic cuisines such as Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Southeast Asia, Latino, and Mediterranean.

Often used to make jack o’ lanterns for Halloween; pumpkin seeds make a fantastic snack.
Pumpkin can be prepared either savory in stews and soups or sweet in various desserts.
Pumpkin is a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin K that helps support vision, heart, and lung health.
Pumpkin contains no saturated fat and cholesterol free which helps prevent the risk of coronary heart disease.
Available fresh and canned for good nutrition and convenience.
Smaller pumpkins tend to be sweeter.
Sweet Potatoes

- Sweet potatoes are available fresh, frozen, or canned.
They are low in sodium, fat free, and cholesterol free.
Sweet potatoes have a high fiber content that can assist with digestion and protects against diverticular disease.
They are a good source of potassium which reduces the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Sweet potatoes are a nutrient rich vegetable, high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
Consumption has been shown to lower risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and prevent obesity.
Store sweet potatoes in a cool, dark place for use within 3-5 weeks.
Asian Pears

Ripe Asian Pears are hard and do not soften, unlike traditional pears.
Pears are a member of the rose family.
Pears are a good source of fiber which benefits heart health and provides a feeling of being full.
Pears can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
They are full of Vitamin C and Vitamin K that help the immune system, bone metabolism, and regulate blood clotting.
Consumption helps to reduce symptoms associated with coughs, ulcers, and constipation.
Pears can be eaten both raw and cooked.
Pears are great for canning and dehydrated purposes.
Brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts are available fresh and frozen.
Choose firm, compact, bright green sprout heads.
They are great sources of Vitamins B, C, and K helping with eyesight, immune system, cell growth, and healing.
Brussel sprouts contain high levels of copper which are important for red blood cell growth.
Brussel sprouts are very low in sodium and calories which reduces the risk of heart disease.
The U.S. produces 70 million pounds of sprouts each year.
The sulforaphane that gives brussels sprouts their unique flavor also helps lower cancer risks.
They are a very versatile vegetable that can be grilled, stir-fried, or roasted.

Celery is highly nutritious and packed with Vitamin C which helps target the immune system.
When selecting, choose straight, rigid celery stalks with fresh leaves.
Celery protects heart health and reduces risk of heart disease.
Celery is a low-calorie vegetable with a high-water content of 95%.
It is a convenient on-the-go snack or can be incorporated into cooked dishes, stir-fries, or salads.
Celery is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help fight cell damage, muscle inflammation, and promote overall health.
Celery has high levels of fiber which help to keep bowel movements regular and aids in weight maintenance.
Lima Beans

Lima beans should not be eaten raw.
They are a great source of fiber that helps fuel the colon cells to keep them healthy.
They are available fresh, canned, or dried.
Lima beans are rich in manganese which helps to boost bone strength and the body’s ability to process fats and carbohydrates.
Most pod sizes are wide, flat, and slightly curved.
They are high in Vitamin B6 which helps create hemoglobin and prevent anemia.
They contain molybdenum which is important in breaking down toxic substances that enter the body.

- Small to medium size turnips are the sweetest.
They are versatile - both its roots and leafy greens can be eaten.
Turnips can be boiled, mashed, or eaten raw.
They are low in fat which helps reduce the risk of some types of cancer.
Turnips are high in fiber providing aid in digestion.
They are low in cholesterol levels and saturated fat which helps prevent heart disease.
Turnips are a great source of vitamin K, A, and C, as well as minerals such as folate, copper, and manganese.

Cabbage can be steamed, boiled, stuffed, microwaved, or eaten raw.
Cabbage is high in dietary fiber folate which is a nutrient needed for growth and production of hemoglobin.
One cup of cabbage is about 15 calories.
Drinking juiced cabbage is known to assist in curing stomach and intestinal ulcers.
Cabbage contains quantities of fiber and iron that keeps the digestive tract and colon in a healthy condition.
Cabbage is high in Vitamin C which prevents skin diseases, arthritis, and rheumatism.
Cabbage has a high sulfur content which increases keratin production resulting in healthier hair, skin, and nails.

- Over 1200 varieties of watermelon available
- Juicy, refreshing, and celebrated summertime treat
- You can eat the entire fruit – the rind has healthy benefits too!
- Heart-healthy fruit that helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Nutrient dense fruit filled with vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber
- Low in saturated fat and sugar
- Contains lycopene which has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers
- Offers great hydration for the body because it is 92% water

- A fruit that can come in a variety of colors including yellow, orange, green, purple, and red!
- Tomatoes, fresh or canned, offer great nutritional value
- Rich in lycopene which is good for the heart and effective against certain cancers
- Packed with Vitamins A and C, calcium and potassium
- Fat-free
- Low in sodium helping to lower the risk of high blood pressure
- Cholesterol free which helps to prevent heart disease
Bell Peppers

- Great fresh, frozen, or canned
- Versatile – can be prepared grilled, sauteed, in soup or sauce, or even raw!
- Available all year as they are not grown seasonally
- No saturated fat and cholesterol-free which helps prevent the risk of coronary heart disease
- Low in calories making them a great snack or addition to any meal
- Excellent source of Vitamin C – the highest of any produce!
- Color of the pepper indicates how low it was on the vine – green being the earliest removed and red being the ripest
- Red peppers have the most nutritional value because they are on the vine the longest. They specifically offer Vitamin A which helps to prevent internal disease.

- High in Vitamin A which helps to support growth of healthy red blood cells
- High in Vitamin C which supports blood vessels and development of muscle and cartilage
- High in the dietary fiber folacin which is a nutrient needed for growth and the production of hemoglobin
- Fiber helps to reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as helping you to lose weight making you feel fuller longer
- Full of potassium which helps with hydration, nerve health and proper muscle contractions
- Contains phytochemicals that foster heart health and good vision that can boost the immune system and risk of some cancers
- Good for hydration due to water content of 90%!

- Low in fat, cholesterol-free, and sodium-free
- Has a high fiber content that can assist with digestion and protects against diverticular disease
- Good source of antioxidants and carotenoids which helps promote eye health and prevent macular degeneration and cataracts
- Consumption has been shown to lower risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and prevent obesity
- Full of Vitamin B that is beneficial for overall health
- Contains potassium which supports healthy blood pressure, heart function, and maintenance of muscle mass
- Does have higher carb content than other vegetables so need to be mindful of serving size

- Known as a superfood due to low calories and significant health benefits
- Good source of hydration as blueberries are 85% water
- Highest level of antioxidants in common fruits and vegetables – these protect your body from cell damage
- Can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure
- Good source of fiber which benefits heart health and provides a feeling of being full
- Can help maintain brain function and improve memory
- Helps with insulin sensitivity which can lower chance of diabetes
- Full of Vitamins C and K that help the immune system, bone metabolism, and regulating blood clotting
Green Beans

- Great sources of Vitamins C, A, B, and K helping with eyesight, immune system, cell growth, and healing
- Contains high levels of iron which are important for red blood cell growth and transport
- Contain easily absorbed silicon which helps with the formation of healthy connective tissues, strengthens nails and boosts skin health
- Strong diuretic properties serve as a great detox and help rid the body of toxins
- High in potassium which helps build muscle and keep the heart healthy
- Full of specific minerals like iron and zinc that assist red blood cells and muscle, and strengthens the immune system as wound care

- Highly nutritious and packed with Vitamin C which helps target the immune system and improve skin health
- High in potassium helping with muscle contraction, nerve function, blood pressure, and critical body processes
- Full of fiber improving healthy gut bacteria and digestive flow
- Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help combat oxidative stress, and fight cell damage, muscle inflammation, and promote overall health
- Eating cherries can help relieve exercise-induced muscle pain, damage, and inflammation
- Protects heart health and reduces risk of heart disease by helping to maintain a regular heartbeat and remove excess sodium
- Reduce symptoms of arthritis and gout by decreasing uric acid
- Helps improve sleep quality due to melatonin, a substance that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle
Summer Squash

- Very low in calories and are great to add to salads or cook on the grill
- Cholesterol and sodium-free helping to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and hypertension
- Rich in manganese which helps to boost bone strength and the body’s ability to process fats and carbohydrates
- Extremely high in Vitamin C that helps to reduce the risk of some cancers
- Supports eye health and reduces risk of cataracts
- High in Vitamin B6 which helps create hemoglobin and prevent anemia
- High-fiber content promotes colon health and prevents constipation
- High in dietary fiber which helps prevent elevated blood sugar level
- Contains Vitamin A which helps maintain healthy skin and prevents skin aging

- Fresh and canned peaches contain many nutrients, but are most important for Vitamins A and C
- Low in fat which helps to reduce the risk of some types of cancer
- High in fiber providing aid in digestion
- Low in cholesterol levels and saturated fat which helps prevent heart disease
- Compounds found in peaches improve the skin’s ability to retain moisture and improve skin texture
- Provides protection to skin by helping to retain moisture
- Help reduce allergy symptoms by preventing the release of histamines in the blood

Up for the Challenge
Delaware 4H Youth Development has been actively reaching schools and youth programs across the state of Delaware to get Delaware youth healthy, pumped, and Up for the Challenge! Up for the Challenge, targeted toward youth in grades 4th-9th, has been taking off across elementary, middle, and high schools, to spread nutritional and fitness knowledge.
Are you Up for the Challenge?
Delaware 4H Youth Development has been actively reaching schools and youth programs across the state of Delaware to get Delaware youth healthy, pumped, and Up for the Challenge! Up for the Challenge, targeted toward youth in grades 4th-9th, has been taking off across elementary, middle, and high schools, to spread nutritional and fitness knowledge.
The program, generally taught in a classroom setting, emphasizes the positive impact daily nutritional habits and exercise frequency can have on our lives. Each group of youth is taught a curriculum based on the MyPlate recommendations of the five food groups, healthy dietary choices, and the three types of exercise; strength, cardio, and flexibility. Throughout the courses the youth involved begin to feel empowered in making healthy nutrition and fitness decisions in their day to day lives.
Educators lead nutritional lessons as well as fun group fitness that include a range of activities from stretching, flexibility, and mindfulness, to muscular strength building exercises. The curriculum strongly encourages the reflection of youth on their own habits. This generates a lot of feedback and conversation from the youth, making the lesson entertaining and interactive for both the instructor and participants!
Why should you be Up for the Challenge?
Up for the Challenge is a rewarding and fun experience to give back to the youth in our community! This program allows for youth to really get involved by including activities that push youth to reflect and recall their own habits. It encourages youth sharing of ideas pertaining to personal nutrition and fitness experiences. Many activities included in the curriculum encourage children to think critically about their health choices and how to make better ones in the future. A curriculum is in place to guide you, but educators have fun putting their own unique spin on the educational activities and nutritional lessons throughout the curriculum! Educators also get to know their students over the brief courses, and feel rewarded after knowing they have made a positive impact in empowering youth to make healthy choices.
How can you get involved?
If you are interested in becoming part of the Up for the Challenge teaching team please contact Alyssa Whittaker at asaienni@udel.edu. We plan on holding future Train the Trainer sessions, dates TBD. Please inquire for more information.

Soccer for success
This sports-based youth development program incorporates health, wellness and soccer! Soccer for Success from the U.S. Soccer Foundation offers a 12-week, 36-day curriculum which can be delivered fully remote, virtually, live, or in-person! This is an all abilities and inclusive program ideal for youth ages 6-14.
If you would like training in this curriculum, along with opportunities to get equipment and resources for your youth or students, please contact Alyssa Whittaker at asaienni@udel.edu.
To learn more about this program, check out the U.S. Soccer Foundation's Soccer for Success At-Home Videos.

Our trained instructors cover topics such as tobacco, drug and alcohol prevention, assertiveness, anger management, self image and communication skills. Each student is required to take an anonymous pre-assessment survey and post-assessment survey. Students will also receive a celebration gift at the completion of the program.
The following programs are offered to students in after-school and school based settings:
Elementary School Program (3rd to 6th) | |
Eight, 30 minute sessions | |
Program Topics: | |
1. Self-Esteem | 5. Dealing with Stress |
2. Decision Making | 6. Communication Skills |
3. Smoking Information | 7. Social Skills |
4. Advertising | 8. Assertiveness |
Middle School Program (Grades 6th to 9th) | |
13, 45 minutes -one hour sessions | |
Program Topics: | |
1. Self Image | 7. Violence & the Media |
2. Decision Making | 8. Coping with Anxiey |
3. Smoking | 9. Coping with Anger |
4. Alcohol | 10. Communication |
5. Marijuana | 11. Social Skills |
6. Advertising | 12. Assertiveness |
13. Resolving Conflicts |
For more information or to have Botvin LifeSkills taught at your site please contact Lindsay Hughes at lgooden@udel.edu or 302-856-2585 ext. 523.
The essential elements of 4-H include building a sense of belonging, independence, generosity and mastery for youth ages 5-19 by adult mentors. By focusing on these essential elements and 8 aspects of wellness: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, occupational and financial, this site offers a wholistic and evolving approach to positive youth development and prevention of youth engaging in risky behaviors, choosing to live a wellness lifestyle and being role models in their communities.
Prevention Education
There are 8 aspects of wellness: physical, social, emotional, intellectual, environmental, spiritual, occupational and financial, this resource site offers a wholistic and evolving approach to positive youth development and prevention of youth engaging in risky behaviors, choosing to live a wellness lifestyle and being role models in their communities.
#NationalDrugFactsWeek is observed in March to link people to the facts that shatter the myths about drug abuse. To get the facts out there, we host annual drawing/graphic design, video, and poem/spoken word contests! Check out some of our winning submissions in the following categories...

Get Experience in Mindfulness
Get Experience in Mindfulness (GEM) is an interactive group-based stress management program through University of Delaware Cooperative Extension.
Get Experience in Mindfulness (GEM) is an interactive group-based stress management program through University of Delaware Cooperative Extension. The program focuses on stress management taught through practical and interactive mindfulness-based activities to facilitate experiential learning.

Fitness and Nutrition
Delaware 4-H offers a variety of programs for youth to help them become fit, healthy leaders. Programs are designed based on evidence-based research to be engaging and effective. Our goal is to have a positive impact the lives of future generations.

Challenge yourself and your club to participate in the 4th H for Health by eating and drinking healthy options, doing physical activity and doing bonus challenges for extra points!

Health Challenge Tracker
What does it mean to pledge “my health to better living”? Ask your club members what they do to put the 4-H pledge into action. How can you live by this pledge during your club meetings Taking on the 4th H for Health Challenge is a great way to start!
Complete the activities below, using the 4th H for Health Challenge Tracker to show your club’s progress. 4-H’ers can complete the challenge as a club or as individuals; just note the number of participants on your Tracker.
- Serve water as the main beverage at four meetings.
- Add 15 minutes of physical activity at six meetings.
- Serve a fruit or vegetable as a snack* at four meetings.
- Do BONUS Challenges for extra points.
*Consider food at all events and activities. If your club never has food, check the box on the Tracker.
Ideas for serving water (10 pts per meeting):
Make fruit-infused water for meetings. Add fruit (e.g. citrus, berries) to a pitcher of water.
Encourage members to always bring a reusable water bottle with them.
Encourage members to bring water with them to Zoom meetings as well.
Tips for adding 15 minutes of physical activity (15 pts per meeting):
Kick off meetings with a short game or activity.
Elect an “healthy living officer” to lead physical activity breaks through your meeting. (include this during zoom meetings as well)
Set a physical activity goal for the month or year and record the number of minutes you exercise.
Suggestions for serving fruits and vegetables (10 pts per meeting):
Create a list of healthy meeting snacks and distribute it to club members if meeting over Zoom.
Choose a snack theme like “color of the month” or “what’s in season?” and snack on different fruits and vegetables from that theme. Use resources on Healthy Living page of 4-H website.
Bonus Challenges for extra points:
Register your club by 10/15/2021- 50 points
Elect a Healthy Living Officer- 75 points
Club members participate in a 5K – 100 points
Participate in a 4-H Healthy Living Activity(ies) -50 points per activity
This healthy living program invites 4-H members throughout Delaware to symbolically traverse miles across the country! Check back soon for the January 2022 program details!
- Kicking it up with nutrition: Other health and nutrition resources are available through UD Cooperative Extension. Ranging from mindfulness to a "Kicking it up with nutrition" series.
- Healthy recipe ideas: Explore some of UD Extension's favorite recipes to help you get started with incorporating more fruit and vegetables into your diet.
- Health Rocks for Facilitators: Learning activities that educators can use to help kids learn how to make empowered choices about their health, particularly vaping.

Grab-N-Go Activities
We've created and compiled resources into a Healthy Habits Virtual Grab-N-Go's resource library just for you and your child Download the resources to keep and use to intriduce and reinforce healthy behaviors!
These are quick and easy activities that can be done during lessons or transitions focused on healthy behaviors. They require minimal resources and can be done in 15 - 30 minute intervals. This content is appropriate for elementary through middle school age students!