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Thank you for your interest in the 4-H Embryology Program. This exciting and interactive project gives youth the opportunity to gain hands-on life experience by hatching chicks in the classroom. This school enrichment program includes one week of caring for and raising baby chicks each spring.
How the program works
- The program runs annually early March through May. Egg delivery is Monday and chicks and equipment are picked up on Friday.
- The intended hatching day is Wednesday; however, the hatching day is something we cannot control and may vary a day or two (in either direction) depending on the breed of the chick.
- All chicks and supplies are picked up on Friday. The hatched chicks are offered to local 4-H families and friends. Many chicks are raised as part of a 4-Her’s project work, and being layers, all chicks are raised to produce eggs someday.
- Each registered classroom will receive one dozen fertile eggs, and use of an incubator, heating lamp, brooder, feeder, waterer, chick food, and bedding.
K-2 Common Core Connections
County-specific information
Jenny Trunfio, 4-H Program Coordinator – jtrunfio@udel.edu, 302-831-8965
The 4-H Embryology in the Classroom program is provided to schools in New Castle County from the beginning of March through the End of May each year. This program is only offered to libraries and community centers during the week of Good Friday and spring break.
The week prior to your scheduled week, supplies are dropped off at the main office of the school. The supplies should be passed out to all participating teachers by the lead teacher. Set up and plug in the incubator on Friday to ensure the correct temperature is reached before egg arrival.
On your scheduled Monday, between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., university staff will bring the 18-day old (starting day 19) embryonated eggs to the school and drop them off in the office.
Teacher responsibilities
Select a session date by registering through the online link obtained from the county office. Complete the enrollment application along with the payment.
Check your email for confirmation of your enrollment. You will also receive your materials packet. Please review it carefully. This information will help make your project a successful one.
Complete one Demographics form for all classrooms participating in the program.
Clean the incubator prior to Friday's Pick up Day. Clean the base with warm water after soaking; no soap, please. Wipe out the hood with a damp rag. Do not submerge either piece.
Program benefits
This program teaches students about science and respect for life. Students hatch chicks in the classroom and witness the exciting miracle of life. These skills represent the scientific thinking and processing skills that are essential to scientific inquiry. The program encourages the use of the following skills:
Observing — Using sensory skills such as seeing, hearing and feeling to generate reasonable questions about the world based on observation
Comparing and Measuring — Identifying similarities and differences
Relating — Developing solutions to unfamiliar problems through reasoning and observations
Creating a hypothesis
- Kristin Cook, Extension Educator — kristin@udel.edu, 302-730-4000
The 4-H Embryology in the Classroom program is provided to schools in Kent County from the beginning of March through the beginning of May. This program is not offered during the week of Good Friday or spring break.
The cost for Kent County’s program is $40.00 per classroom with a minimum 3 classrooms or $50.00 each for 1-2 classrooms. If you want to keep the chicks for another week, the cost is $50.00 for the school for week two.
The week prior to your scheduled week, supplies are dropped off at the main office of the school. The supplies should be passed out to all participating teachers by the lead teacher. Set up and plug in the incubator on Friday to ensure correct temperature is reached before egg arrival.
On your scheduled Monday, between 10am-1pm, university staff will bring the 18-day old (starting day 19) embryonated eggs to the school and drop them off in the office.
Teacher responsibilities
- Select a session date by contacting the County 4-H Agent listed above and complete and return the enrollment form along with the payment.
- Check your email for confirmation of your enrollment. You will also receive your materials packet. Please review it carefully. This information will help make your project a successful one.
- Clean the incubator prior to Friday Pick up Day. Clean the base with warm water after soaking, no soap, please. Wipe out the hood with a damp rag. Do not submerge either piece.
Program benefits
This program teaches students about science and respect for life. Students hatch chicks in the classroom and witness the exciting miracle of life. These skills represent the scientific thinking and processing skills that are essential to scientific inquiry. The program encourages the use of the following skills:
- Observing — Using sensory skills such as seeing, hearing and feeling to generate reasonable questions about the world based on observation
- Comparing and Measuring — Identifying similarities and differences
- Relating — Developing solutions to unfamiliar problems through reasoning and observations
- Creating a hypothesis
- Jill Jackson — jackson@udel.edu
Sussex county will be piloting the Embryology program in fall of 2020 In 2021, the Embryology program will be offered March through May. The cost of this program to our Sussex county schools will be $50.00/classroom.
For more information, contact your county contact, listed above.
Other Resources
- Embryology Information (University of Missouri)
- Classroom Education (American Egg Board)
- National Agriculture in the Classroom Search (search the term "embryology")

General Resources
- Chicken Breeds
- Hatching Complications
- Quick Start Guides:
- Demographic Form