Jones Hamilton Environmental Poultry House

Allen Harim honored by UD, Jones-Hamilton Company
Shown in this 2017 photo are (l-r): Dr. Hong Li, assistant professor, University of Delaware Department of Animal and Food Sciences; Mark Reiger, dean of the UD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Rory DeWeese, senior director of live operations at Allen Harim; Mark Isaacs, Carvel Center director; Ed Jewell, housing manager at Allen Harim; and Bernie Murphy, president of Jones Hamilton Company. Since 2007, Allen Harim has supplied all of the baby chicks and feed at the research poultry house.

Dedication of the Jones-Hamilton poultry research house in 2003; funded by the Jones-Hamilton Company with state, county and local investment initiated important environmental research for the region.
The facility's state-of-the-art research addresses environmental issues related to air quality as impacted by ammonia and particulate emissions.
The research conducted at the Jones-Hamilton poultry research house brings improvements to the environment surrounding the birds while lessening impacts on the outside environment.
The availability of the facility has enabled Hong Li, associate professor with UD's Animal and Food Science Department to attract over $2 million in research grants.
The trees and shrubs originally planted around the perimeter of the modern poultry house has grown into a significant vegetative environmental buffer (VEB) which serve as a both as a particulate and odor filter as well as a beautifying agent. Today, many new and existing poultry houses incorporate VEBs as a best practice.