Sussex County 4-H
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Sussex County 4-H

Sussex County 4-H represents one third of Delaware’s largest youth development program. We invite you to explore our pages, talk with our 4-H Extension agents, and interact with our adult volunteers, known as leaders, and the clubs and programs they conduct to enrich the lives of young children ages 5-19. 4-H has a long and proud agricultural tradition, but in its 100+ year history, 4-H has expanded to include and focus on important life skills, citizenship, leadership, healthy lifestyles, the arts, and science and technology. Our 4-H community has a strong, proud spirit of community service! We’d love to have you be a part of our Sussex County 4-H family!

Stay Updated
Visit the Sussex Connection 4-H Newsletter for updated programs, activities, and news! The blog will be updated on the 1st of each month, but activities and photos will be added throughout the month!
5-7 year olds are considered Cloverbuds. These youth can participate in a variety of events at the club, county and state level. Cloverbuds are able to get a glimpse of what 4-H is all about!
8-19 year olds can compete in events at the club, county, state and national levels. These members also take part in one or more project activities throughout the year.
Each club is directed by an organizational leader and a team of volunteer adult and teen leaders. Clubs are supported by Extension Agents and 4-H Educators through Delaware Cooperative Extension. Clubs may focus on any number of project areas and develop their own meeting locations and schedules. Each club has their own unique personality. There is something for everyone in Sussex County 4-H!
Head to Flickr to view our terrific photo gallery of club events and county activities!
Make it a 4-H summer!
The Sussex County Order of the Links is the alumni association for Sussex County 4-H in Delaware. To be nominated as a Link is the highest honor that can befall a 4-H member or leader.
Members of the Links remain active throughout the 4-H year, serving as judges, committee members and event organizers. They serve in many philanthropic capacities on behalf of 4-H club members, clubs and events, including offering numerous scholarships for camps, 4-H overnighter’s and training.
Many Link members are still active 4-H volunteer leaders in local clubs. Link members organize the popular Sussex County Pumpkin Contest and Winter Fun Day.

Our adult volunteer leaders are the engine that makes our national and local 4-H program possible. Thank you for all that you do for Delaware’s children. Below are county some forms that you will find useful throughout the year.
Sussex 4-H Mini Grant Application (Due April 1 and November 1 of each year)
2022-2024 Sussex 4-H Leader Association Officers
- President – Kim Elliott
- Vice President – Gina Anger
- Secretary – Amy Hale
- Treasurer – Heather Smith
Beginning of 4-H Year Forms: Due end of October each year
End of Year Forms: Due beginning of September each year
- Charter Seal Report - https://forms.office.com/r/UtSKQeLFPC
- Leaders Association Scholarship - https://forms.office.com/r/xCzxgaUMjx

The Jr. Council consists of Sussex 4-H teens 13-19 years old. This energetic group helps plan and implement countywide events and contests throughout the year. Many of the teens also serve as Counselors for our overnight and day camps.
Unless otherwise noted, Sussex County Junior Council meets regularly on the First Monday of every month, 7 p.m. at the Carvel Research and Education Center in Georgetown. Exceptions to meeting place, date and times will be announced via the newsletter and or by direct email.
2023-2024 Sussex 4-H Jr. Council Officers
- President – Carter Bradley
- Vice President – Kyle Kerr
- Secretary – Ainsley West
- Treasurer – Cole Carpenter
- Reporter – Lillie Bradley