Delaware 4-H Foundation

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Mission statement

The Delaware 4-H Foundation promotes and expands positive youth development opportunities throughout the state. We work with individuals, groups, and businesses to provide financial and in-kind support for youth programs. Our long-term relationships ensure the continued growth and success of Delaware 4-H programs.

Through the generosity of donors and continued growth of endowments, the Delaware 4-H Foundation continues to support and sustain awards, educational trips and scholarships, outstanding camp programs, leadership and program development, and project specific support.  

Delaware 4-H Foundation – Club/Group Financial Aid Form

The Delaware 4-H Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting the 4-H program.  Financial Support Requests will be accepted twice a fiscal year.

March 1 and October 1

The applications will be reviewed and awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors. This form must be submitted electronically to  Notification of the receipt of the request will be confirmed within 72 hours to the contact person named on the request.  Once a decision has been made, the contact person will be notified of the Board’s decision.