Agriculture & Horticulture Handbooks
Agriculture & Horticulture Handbooks for Nutrient Management Certification

University of Delaware Cooperative Extension prepared these agriculture and horticulture Handbooks for the Delaware Nutrient Management Program. They contain information from a variety of sources that will help you comply with the Delaware Nutrient Management Act (Title 3: Chapter 22 of the Delaware Code).
Select a topic below to get started!
Agriculture Handbook for Nutrient Management Certification
University of Delaware Cooperative Extension prepared this Handbook for the Delaware Nutrient Management Program. It contains information from a variety of sources that will help you comply with the Delaware Nutrient Management Act (Title 3: Chapter 22 of the Delaware Code). The various sections include information regarding your responsibilities under the Act, recommended practices for the management of nutrients, and State and Federal cost-share programs. This handbook also includes information necessary for developing and reporting your animal waste or nutrient management plans.
The goal of the Nutrient Management Program is to improve water quality in Delaware while maintaining the profitability of agriculture and other businesses involved in land-application of nutrients. This handbook is a tool to help achieve that goal, and to document your efforts. It is a “living document” because the contents will change as the Nutrient Management Program evolves. Additional information will be provided through mailings and handouts at continuing education events.
The success of the Nutrient Management Program depends on people like you. Participation in the program is an important step toward preserving the environment and natural resource of the First State.
Delaware Law
- Understanding the Requirements of the DE Nutrient Management Law
- Nutrient Management Regulations
- The Nutrient Management Law
Nitrogen Cycle
- Nitrogen Cycling in Agriculture
- Nitrogen Management for Corn in Delaware: The Pre-Sidedress Nitrate Test
- Nitrogen Removal by Delaware Crops
- Nitrogen Management for Soybean
Phosphorus Cycle
- Interpreting Soil Phosphorus and Potassium Tests
- Defining High Phosphorus Soils in Delaware
- Phosphorus Removal by Delaware Crops
Manure Storage
- Manure Storage
- Managing Built-up Litter
- Preventing Fires in Manure Storage Structure (UM Extension)
- Temporary Field Storage of Manure
- Litter Amendments: Their Role and Use
Mortality Management
- Developing a Catastrophic Mortality Plan for Broiler Farms by Bud Malone Consulting
- Composting Catastrophic Event Poultry Mortalities
- Composting Animal Mortalities on the Farm
- Composting Bird Mortality
Soil Testing
BMP – Production
Horticulture Handbook for Nutrient Management Certification
University of Delaware Cooperative Extension prepared this Handbook for the Delaware Nutrient Management Program. It contains information from a variety of sources that will help you comply with the Delaware Nutrient Management Act (Title 3: Chapter 22 of the Delaware Code). The various sections include information regarding your responsibilities under the Act, recommended practices for the management of nutrients, and State and Federal cost-share programs. This handbook also includes information necessary for developing and reporting your animal waste or nutrient management plans.
The goal of the Nutrient Management Program is to improve water quality in Delaware while maintaining the profitability of agriculture and other businesses involved in land-application of nutrients. This handbook is a tool to help achieve that goal, and to document your efforts. It is a “living document” because the contents will change as the Nutrient Management Program evolves. Additional information will be provided through mailings and handouts at continuing education events.
The success of the Nutrient Management Program depends on people like you. Participation in the program is an important step toward preserving the environment and natural resource of the First State
Delaware Law
- Understanding the Requirements of the DE Nutrient Management Law
- Nutrient Management Regulations
- The Nutrient Management Law
Water Quality
- The Impacts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Agriculture on Delaware's Water Quality
- Water Quality Trends in Delaware and the Region
- Turfgrass Fertilization: A Basic Guide for Professional Turfgrass Managers
- Nitrogen Cycling in Agriculture
- Interpreting Soil Phosphorus and Potassium Tests
- Turfgrass Management: Facts About Phosphorus and Lawns
- Fertilizer Basics
- Turfgrass Fertility: Understanding Fertilizer Labels, Macronutrients, and Micronutrients
- Turfgrass Selections for Delaware
- Lawn Management for Water Conservation
- Maintenance Calendar for Cool-Season Turfgrass Lawns in Virginia
- Maintenance Calendar for Warm-Season Lawns in Virginia
- Spring and Summer Lawn Management Considerations for Cool-Season Turfgrasses
- 2017-2018 Virginia Turfgrass Variety Recommendations