Lady Beetle

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Lady Beetle


  • In the order Coleoptera

  • Beneficial predators

  • Usually red/orange with black spots


  • Aphids

  • Mites

  • Insect eggs


  • Round

  • Black, red, orange, yellow

  • Hardened elytra


  • Promotes crop growth

  • Reduced need for pesticide

  • Pollinators

Fig. 1: Adult Cryptolaemus,
Fig. 1: Adult Cryptolaemus

Common Name: Mealybug Destroyer

Scientific Name: Cryptolaemus montrouzieri

Require temperatures of 70F as they feed on mealybugs (preferred), aphids or scale for 50 d.




Fig. 2A: Cryptolaemus larvae, Fig. 2B: Mealybug Photo Credits: Sonya Broughton, Department of Agriculture & Food Western Australia,
Fig. 2A: Cryptolaemus larvae, Fig. 2B: Mealybug Photo Credits: Sonya Broughton, Department of Agriculture & Food Western Australia,
Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
Bruce Watt, University of Maine,
Bruce Watt, University of Maine,
Melissa Schreiner, Colorado State  University,
Melissa Schreiner, Colorado State University,

Common Name: Asian Lady Beetle

Scientific Name: Harmonia axyridis


  • 6 generations per year

  • Outcompete native beetles

  • One individual can

  • consume 5,ooo aphids or

  • other pests in its adult life

  • span of about 1 year.

Tom Murray,
Tom Murray,

Common Name: Twice Stabbed

Scientific Name: Chilocorusstigma

  • Strong mouthparts that can chew through

  • exoskeletons of other insects

  • Eat the pests that infect plants with disease

  • Protection against predators from tasting bad

Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,
Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

Common Name: Spotted Lady Beetle

Scientific Name: Coleomegilla Maculata


  • Six spots and sometimes pink

  • eat pollen as well

  • eat pea, melon, and potato aphids


UD Cooperative Extension

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