Being resilient in turbulent times sometimes means asking for help
Being resilient in turbulent times sometimes means asking for help
by Maria Pippidis, April 2020
Being resilient means that you can face challenges and difficulties in life. One way of being resilient is by asking for assistance when you need it or just talking to someone who can support you. During these stressful times, it is easy to get overwhelmed and not ask for things that you need. Delaware has many resources if you are finding you need a little help.
Financial and access services
With many households experiencing reduced income or lack of access to services, the best place to find assistance would be Delaware 211. This statewide resource can link you to all sorts of help, including food, utility assistance, housing, health, mental health and many other categories. Dial 2-1-1 or Dial 1-800-560-3372, or Text your ZIP code to 898-211. Tell them what you need and these wonderful helpers will get you connected to the right resources.
If your income has dropped, you may be eligible for additional help from the state. In Delaware, you can go to the DE Assist website, which is a one-stop-website that helps you apply for all types of benefits such as SnapEd (food), Medicaid and CHIP (health insurance for you and your children), housing and other assistance programs.
Mental health services
During this time, so many events have been canceled or postponed. From weddings, fun outings and happy family events to funerals. There may be feelings of grief or disappointment that are bringing you down. JFS OnCall may be just the help needed and is a free and confidential emotional support hotline. Call 302-781-4537 to speak with an experienced social worker. The hours of operation are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. This line is appropriate for teens and adults.
We need to start thinking of mental health like we do when we have something physically wrong with us. In the latter case, we call the doctor. If you are feeling overwhelmed more than usual or depressed and not sure what to do or if you are thinking about reaching out but not sure how — you are not alone. For some simple steps on how to reach out, check out this NPR article, “How to Start Therapy.”
The next step is getting connected to the right kind of mental well-being resources. Delaware Help is Here is a website that connects you with behavioral health, mental health or addiction help. Whether it is for you or a loved one, support is there to get you through a tough time. In New Castle County, call 800-652-2929 and in Kent and Sussex counties call 800-345-6785. Of course, if it is an emergency, you can call 911 or the mobile care crisis line 1-800-652-2929.