Fact Sheets And Publications
Plants for a Livable Delaware
This series of brochures were developed to educate Delawareans about the problem of invasive plants in the landscape. Plants on the Delaware Invasive Species List that are still bought and sold in the nursery and landscape industry are highlighted in “Plants for a Livable Delaware” and at least 10 alternative plants are suggested to replace the popular invasive plant found in many home landscapes.
Plants for a Livable Delaware is a campaign to identify and promote superior plants that thrive without becoming invasive.
A Livable Delaware plant must:
- Possess adaptable characteristics to landscape situations (i.e. drought resistant, tolerant of poor soils, etc.)
- Pose no potential threat as an invasive plant
- Have no serious disease or insect problems
- Be hardy to Delaware
For more information and the complete brochure, click here >>
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