Upon Arrival

Upon Arrival Information for Students
From the moment you cross the border to when your classes begin there are many things to think about. Click on a subject below for crucial information about what to do once you have arrived on campus.
For practical tips to prepare for your arrival, visit the CGPS Prepare to Become a Blue Hen webpage.
For helpful information as you prepare for your new life, including housing, shopping, transportation, healthcare and more, please refer to the Life in the U.S. & at UD webpage.
For questions once you arrive in the U.S., please contact the Center for Global Programs & Services (CGPS) at (302) 831-2115 (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. U.S. EST) or oiss@udel.edu. For emergencies after hours, call (302) 831-2222.
During your first days on campus, new international students must attend two mandatory orientations, one for all new international students, and one based on academic level.
Check-in at ISO is available ONLY for students whose I-20 or DS-2019 start date is in August or February. If you arrive at any other time (such as in the summer), you must contact CGPS immediately upon arrival.
International Student Orientation will be held at the beginning of each semester. The date for orientation is included in your welcome packet and on the CGPS Orientation webpage. Government check-in is part of the required new international student orientation at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. Please bring your UD ID with you.
Students transferring to UD from another U.S. institution will need to check-in with CGPS in order to receive their new I-20/DS-2019 unless they require the new I-20/DS-2019 to enter the U.S.
If you do not attend orientation and check-in with CGPS, you will not be registered in SEVIS, and your I-20 or DS-2019 will no longer be valid.
Note: You may be asked to attend other orientation activities but this one is MANDATORY for international students. Undergraduate students may be required to take placement examinations or attend special meetings for new students. Questions about such requirements or about other details of your academic program should be addressed directly to your program office. The UD catalog explains admission and degree requirements.
All new freshmen MUST live on campus. Please see your My Housing Portal for your specific residence hall and address. Check your UD email regularly in the days prior to your arrival at UD for detailed instructions on check-in from Residence Life & Housing.
After checking in at CGPS, you must check in with your department. Your academic advisor will serve as an excellent resource at UD. He/she will work with you to ensure that your academic experience is successful by assisting you with the following: course selection, choice of major(s), choice of minor(s), maintaining progress toward graduation, interpreting university policies and referrals to university support services. It is a good idea, therefore, to meet with your advisor or faculty contact before the start of each semester. UD's Advising Central website will help you find the undergraduate student advisors in each college.
Please bring sufficient items of personal use as you might not be able to visit the stores here immediately after your arrival. Do not bring items that are easily available in the U.S. (utensils, food, school supplies, etc.).
Find a suggested packing list on the CGPS Prepare to Become a Blue Hen webpage and and local shopping options on the CGPS Life in the U.S. & at UD webpage.
Prepare for your IT needs before classes begin, including setting up your 2FA settings and connecting to UD's wifi eduroam. Learn more on the UD IT webpage.
One of the best ways to reduce anxiety and begin to feel comfortable is to familiarize yourself with campus and your neighborhood and local community. Find information about your new home and ways to meet like-minded people on the CGPS Life in the U.S. & at UD webpage. Learn about the many resources available to support you during your time at UD on the CGPS Get Support webpage.
You should review your schedule of classes in advance with your academic advisor. Be sure to arrive to class on time and be prepared to participate in class discussion. Consult the following academic calendar for class start dates and many other important dates throughout the year.
ISSS Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is provided as a service to international students, faculty, staff, employees, and administrators at the University of Delaware, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, tax, or other matter. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of official counsel. For assistance on your immigration status, we encourage you to contact an ISS advisor for specific guidance at oiss@udel.edu.