Hosting J-1 Student Interns
J-1 internship programs are designed to allow college and university students to come to the United States to gain exposure to U.S. culture and to receive hands-on experience in U.S. business practices in their chosen occupational field. The J-1 Student intern category is designed to:
- Fulfill the educational objectives for students in their current degree program at their home institution abroad.
- Provide an opportunity for eligible international students to pursue a structured and guided internship program in their specific academic field, rather than to engage in employment or provide services to an employer.
- Increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchanges, as stated by the U.S. Department of State (DOS).
The J-1 Student Intern category is not the same as J-1 Student or J-1 Scholar categories. Please contact CGPS to ensure that your student and program are eligible for the J-1 Student Intern category.
IMPORTANT: J-1 Student Interns cannot work in unskilled or casual labor positions, in positions that require or involve child care or elder care, or in any kind of position that involves medical patient care or contact. In addition, interns can not work in positions that require more than 20 percent clerical or office support work.
Please review the detailed information below regarding eligibility and internship requirements. Do not hesitate to contact CGPS at oiss@udel.edu with any questions.
To be eligible for a J-1 Student Intern visa sponsored by the University of Delaware, individuals must meet the following criteria:
- Be currently enrolled in and pursuing a degree at an accredited postsecondary academic institution outside the United States.
- The U.S. internship must fulfill the educational objectives for his or her current degree program at his or her home institution.
- Have verifiable English language skills sufficient to function on a day-to-day basis in the internship environment.
- Be primarily in the United States to engage in a student internship program rather than to engage in employment or provide services to an employer.
- Be accepted into a student internship program at the postsecondary accredited academic institution listed on his or her Form DS-2019.
- Be in good academic standing at his or her home institution outside the United States.
- The student must return to his or her academic program outside the United States to fulfill and obtain a degree from such academic institution after completion of the student internship program.
- Have sufficient finances to support himself or herself and dependents for their entire stay in the United States, including housing and living expenses.
Please note: if your program of studies is not listed below, you are not eligible to host under the J-1 Student Intern category.
- Exposes participants to American techniques, methodologies, and expertise and expands upon the participant's existing knowledge and skills.
- Does not duplicate the participant's prior experience or training received elsewhere.
- The internship tasks may consist of no more than 20% clerical work.
- Fulfills educational objectives of the student intern's current degree-seeking program at his/her home institution.
- Be accepted into a student internship program at the postsecondary accredited academic institution listed on his or her Form DS-2019.
- Is at least 32 hours per week.
- Is no less than 3 weeks long.
- A student may participate in an internship with or without wages or other compensation.
- Internships are offered in the following occupational categories: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Arts and Culture; Construction and Building Trades; Education, Social Sciences, Library Science, Counseling and Social Services; Health Related Occupations; Hospitality and Tourism; Information Media and Communications; Management, Business, Commerce and Finance; Public Administration and Law; and the Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics and Industrial Occupations.
An Internship Phase can be considered one of the following:
- A new learning skill to be emphasized or taught during the student internship program; or
- A different location from the main site of activity of the internship.
A single phase could have a duration of 3 weeks to a maximum of 12 months. For each phase, UD Departments are required to provide a complete and signed DS-7002 form with specific information about each phase (learning skills, objective to be learned, location of the phase, etc.). If the location is different than the main UD Campus, and the students participate in the internship program with a third party organization, local businesses, government organizations, the third party must have an executed written agreement with the sponsor (UD) to act on behalf of the sponsor in the conduct of the sponsor's program. This agreement must outline the full relationship between the sponsor and third party on all matters involving the administration of its exchange visitor program. A sponsor's use of a third party does not relieve the sponsor of its obligations to comply with and to ensure third party compliance with Exchange Visitor Program regulations. Any failure by any third party to comply with the regulations or with any additional terms and conditions governing Exchange Visitor Program administration that the Department may from time to time impose will be imputed to the sponsor.
J-1 Student Interns are required by federal immigration regulations to submit evaluations to CGPS to confirm that the program objectives are met. Student Interns and their supervisors must complete and submit evaluations to CGPS in a timely manner.
If the J-1 is considered a UD employee and is eligible for UD benefits:
- For internships less than 6 months in duration, only a Final Evaluation must be submitted prior to the end of the internship.
- For internships lasting more than 6 months, two evaluations are required: one midpoint and one final evaluation. The midpoint evaluation must be submitted midway through the internship program. The final evaluation must be submitted prior to the end of the internship.
The evaluation form can be accessed on the CGPS Forms webpage.
- May not place a student intern in an unskilled or casual labor position, in a position that requires or involves child care or elder care, a position in the field of aviation, or, in clinical positions or engaging in any other kind of work that involves patient care or contact, including any work that would require student interns to provide therapy, medication, or other clinical or medical care (e.g., sports or physical therapy, psychological counseling, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, social work, speech therapy, or early childhood education);
- May not engage or otherwise cooperate or contract with a staffing/employment agency to recruit, screen, orient, place, evaluate, or train student interns; and
- Does not involve more than 20 percent clerical work, and that all tasks assigned to a student intern are necessary for the completion of the student internship program.
Important: J-1 Student Interns cannot work in unskilled or casual labor positions, in positions that require or involve child care or elder care or in any kind of position that involves medical patient care or contact.
Host Departments are required to submit the following to CGPS:
- J-1 Intern Eligibility Statement (found on the CGPS Forms webpage)
- J-1 Student Intern Application/DS-2019 Request Form (found in the Terra Dotta application) with all required documents (offer letter, letter from home institution, etc.). This form must include all sites of activity for the internship in advance. J-1 Student Interns may only perform activities at the site(s) pre-authorized before arrival in the U.S. and as indicated in their SEVIS record.
- DS-7002 Form (found in the Terra Dotta application). The UD Department must sign under “Supervisor”, not “Sponsor”. The student needs to sign and date under “Contract Agreement.” This form will be included in the welcome packet mailed to the student along with their DS-2019 form. All J-1 Student Interns are required to present Training/Internship Placement Plans, known as the Form DS-7002, when applying for a J-1 visa at a U.S. embassy or consulate. The DS-7002 outlines the proposed internship. It demonstrates that the Student Intern and the University of Delaware host department have agreed on the educational research objectives that will be obtained during the internship program. The form also explains how the J-1 Student Intern will be supervised throughout the internship.
- CGPS International Service Fee
UD Departments are responsible to inform CGPS if anything about the Student Intern position changes, including funding, internship duties, or site(s) of activity. Failure to inform CGPS of changes could result in fines for the University and violation of immigration regulations for the Student Intern. Specifically:
- Report any changes in site(s) of activity: The only activity the J-1 Student Intern is allowed to do is the one authorized on the DS-2019 at the predetermined site(s) of activity in SEVIS. The J-1 Student Intern should not accept any additional employment.
- Report any changes pertaining to the internship (job duties, salary, and geographic location): The host department is required to notify CGPS of any such changes before they occur.
- Report any changes in program dates: Notify CGPS if the Student Intern leaves or is terminated 15 days or more before the requested end date. Notify CGPS if the Student Intern is delayed more than 10 days from the requested start date.
- Report any changes in funding: If payment from the University of Delaware or other sources needs to be added or removed from the DS-2019 form, contact CGPS before the changes occur. Funding information must be reported in the SEVIS system.
Sponsoring supervisors and interns must notify CGPS of the Student Intern’s departure at the completion of the program. Failure to properly close the Student Intern’s program could lead to complications for the Student Intern’s future visits to the United States. You can access the Notice of Departure on the CGPS Forms webpage.
ISSS Disclaimer: The information contained on this web site is provided as a service to international students, faculty, staff, employees, and administrators at the University of Delaware, and does not constitute legal advice on any immigration, tax, or other matter. As legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and laws are constantly changing, nothing provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of official counsel. For assistance on your immigration status, we encourage you to contact an ISS advisor for specific guidance at oiss@udel.edu.