InDE Fellowship
A catalyst for translating ideas, discoveries and inventions from the laboratory to the marketplace
The Innovation Delaware (InDE) Fellowship provides inventors, research scientists, innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs with an exceptional opportunity to learn about and gain first-hand experience with the process of translating ideas, discoveries and inventions from the laboratory to the marketplace. The Fellowship also serves as a catalyst for lab to market translation by facilitating valuable connections to the individual leaders and support organizations comprising Delaware’s innovation & entrepreneurship (I&E) ecosystem.
The InDE Fellowship Program brings together leaders from Delaware’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem to provide unique, high-impact opportunities for industry scientists, startup founders and University innovators who are interested in working to make broader societal, environmental, and economic impacts from their research.
Founding Director, Horn Entrepreneurship
Fellowship Benefits
Fellowship participants benefit from a series of fifteen 4-hour workshop sessions hosted at a variety of university-based and industry-focused innovation centers in Delaware. All sessions emphasize development of critical knowledge, skillsets and connections needed to successfully bring new science and technology-based products and services to market. They also focus on experiential learning, insights gained from practice, and networking. Each session engages leaders and subject matter experts from Delaware’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem – including experienced innovators and entrepreneurs; industry, government, trade association, and academic leaders; business service providers; media representatives; and investors.
The Fellowship is open to anyone interested in learning about and gaining experience with the process of translating research-based discoveries and insights from the lab to the market. This will typically include industry research scientists, graduate students in STEM fields, postdoctoral researchers, university faculty and independent inventors. To be considered for selection as an InDE Fellow, prospective participants must complete an application form and submit a letter of nomination. An interview may also be required.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. The Fellowship provides participants with the foundational experience to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. The program is for anyone who is interested in doing research that is more translatable for broader impact.
Yes. InDE Fellows must commit to prioritizing participation in workshop sessions. This commitment will serve as the primary selection criteria for evaluating Fellowship applications.
Yes. The program fee covers the costs associated with participation in the program, including workshop materials, individual mentorship, facility rentals, food, and more. This fee is payable from grant awards, departmental funds, or personal funds, as appropriate.
- Industry participant: $6,950
- University/Non-profit: $4,950
- Pre-revenue or Early-stage startup: $4,950
Yes. Through the generosity of our partners, financial assistance is available for well-qualified applicants.
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