Emergency Contact Information

Tools & Resources
Emergency Contact Information
UD Alert, the University of Delaware's primary emergency notification tool, implemented through the emergency notification vendor, Send Word Now, allows University Police to send emergency messages to students within minutes. Notices are sent as email messages, voice messages (to local, cell or home phone) and text messages (to a pager or cell phone).
You will be periodically prompted to review your emergency contact information before you can continue to UD secure applications. You also can update your emergency contact information at any time through UDSIS. The person you designate as your primary emergency contact will also receive notification if something happens to you and/or an emergency occurs on campus, so you need to keep their information current. Your emergency contacts will also receive notifications during emergency alert system tests.
The University of Delaware has other tools besides UD Alert that we use to notify students. They are:
- Carillon System (outdoor speaker system)
- Local Media, i.e. regional radio, television, and online newspaper sources
- University Home Page
- University E-mail System
- University Voice Mail System
- Social Media: University and Newark Police Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Live Safe App
See the UD Alert FAQ for additional information. Questions regarding the UD Alert system may be directed to:
University Police
Phone: 302-831-7285
Email: e-prepare@udel.edu
- Login to UDSIS.
- Click your UD Student Homepage Personal Information tile and review your email addresses and phone numbers.
- Phone Numbers:
- Specify a permanent phone number (usually parent's home number), local or campus phone number, and cell phone number. You must provide at least one phone number.
- During an emergency, and during emergency alert system tests, we will call each number listed and text your cell phone. Make sure these numbers are accurate.
- Email Addresses:
- List any e-mail addresses you use on a regular basis. Your University of Delaware e-mail account is listed by default.
- E-mail may also be used to contact you in an emergency, so make sure they are accurate.
- When a UD Alert is sent via email, it will be transmitted to your university email account. You may also designate an alternate (i.e. Gmail) account.
- To add an entry, click the + sign. To edit an entry, click it to bring up the Edit screen. Click Save when done.
In the Personal Information tile, click on Emergency Contacts.
- An emergency contact is someone the University will contact should something happen to YOU.
- Specify a home, business and/or cell phone number at a minimum for your emergency contact. Make sure one of the numbers you list for your emergency contact is a 24 hour number, where the person can be contacted quickly.
- You can list multiple emergency contacts, but one must be designated, via check mark, as your Preferred contact. The University will contact this person first. If no contact is made, we will then call the others on your list one by one.
- Contacts with names ending with (MC) also serve as an "If Missing" contact. Their information must be edited separately - see below.
- Click the Save button.
If the University receives notice that you are missing, we will notify your missing person contact(s) within 24 hours. Your missing person contact(s) may be the same as or different from your emergency contact(s). For more information, see the University of Delaware Missing Student Policy or Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.
To update "If Missing" contact information in UDSIS:
- In the Personal Information tile, click on Emergency Contacts.
- Click a contact having a name ending with (MC). This is your "If Missing" Contact.
- If you list one of your Emergency contacts also as an "If Missing" Contact, you need to separately update the "If Missing" contact's phone information.
- Then click the Save button.
To add "If Missing" contact information in UDSIS:
- Under Emergency Contacts, click the + sign to Add An Emergency Contact and choose the Relationship: Missing Contact.
- Specify a home, business and/or cell phone number at a minimum. Make sure one of the numbers you list is a 24 hour number, where the person can be contacted quickly.
- Click the Save button.
For additional questions on items under Personal Information, please contact the Registrar's Office at registrar@udel.edu.