Final Exams

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Final Exams
The Final Exam Schedule will be posted online and available on the student's UDSIS page prior to the start of the spring and fall terms, and ten days into the winter and summer sessions. Changes to the schedule will not be made after it has been posted.
Final exams may be scheduled at the following times:
- 8:00AM - 10:00 AM
- 11:30 PM - 1:30 PM
- 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
- 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Two three-hour exam periods are available:
- 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
- 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Final exams (counting 25% or more of the final grade) may not be given in undergraduate courses in the last five days of any regular semester, nor on posted Reading Days, but should be administered during the six day final exam period.
- There shall be a break of at least 24 hours, designated Reading Day(s), at the beginning of Finals Week. No required examinations, tests, or quizzes may be given on Reading Day(s), to allow students to review for upcoming finals and to complete projects. Additionally, no student can be required to take any examination, test, or quiz on Reading Day(s).
- Students should confirm final exams with their instructors before making travel arrangements.
- Students with three or more exams on the same day may contact their instructors to request a make-up or alternate exam, at the discretion of the instructor. The Registrar’s Office does not change final exam days/times per student requests. Contact your instructors to request an alternate exam time.
- Students with direct final exam conflicts (same day/time) should contact their instructors to request a make-up or alternate exam time. One of your instructors will need to arrange an alternate exam time to be administered during the five day final exam period. Contact your instructors to arrange an alternate exam time.
Please direct general questions to the Registrar's Office at Registrar@udel.edu or call (302) 831-6599, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Registrar Link Center
Student Help
University Visitors Center, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 registrar@udel.edu (302) 831-2131 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.