Degree Audits

Tools & Resources
The Degree Audit is found in UDSIS, available on-demand to students and advisors, and is a report of degree requirements based on a student’s declared area(s) of study. It includes all earned and in-progress credit on the student’s record and applies that credit to applicable requirements, providing students and advisors with an individually tailored reference for degree progress. This document describes the basic structure of the Degree Audit from top to bottom, but please note that each student’s report is unique, and the following examples and screenshots are for illustration purposes only. The Degree Audit is primarily for Undergraduate students. Students should contact their advisor or Academic Assistant Dean’s Office of their college with any questions or concerns regarding the Degree Audit. Advisors with questions or concerns regarding the Degree Audit should contact the Registrar's Office.
NOTE: after clicking Degree Audit in UDSIS, it may take a few moments to load, based on the data to display.

Select Institution/Career
This section only appears for students active in both Undergraduate and Graduate careers at the same time. Use the drop-down menu and click the Change button to toggle between careers. Note that most Graduate programs do not have Degree Audits.
Report Date and Time Stamp
Lists the date and time of when the data in the report was last generated.

The report initially generates with all satisfied requirements collapsed, and all not satisfied requirements expanded.
- Collapse All: clicking this will minimize all requirements below the header. This will give a high-level overview of the degree requirements for the student but does not give any sense of progress as all requirements are forced closed, whether they are satisfied or not. Regenerate the report to undo this action.
- Expand All: clicking this will expand all requirements below the header. This will show all requirement details and text, whether satisfied or not, and any coursework applied toward those requirements. Regenerate the report to undo this action.
- View Report as PDF: clicking this will generate a PDF version of the Degree Audit being viewed. This will appear in a separate pop-up window/tab. You may need to adjust your browser settings to allow the pop-up window to appear. The PDF/printer-friendly version contains the same data as the collapsible degree audit, however completed requirements are not collapsed in order to show the course and requirement details. The PDF version also contains a Course History section at the end of the report, with repeated credit information, course topic information, and requirement designation information.
Reading the Degree Audit

Course Icon Key
One of these icons displays next to each course in the Degree Audit. Courses that have been completed appear with the Taken green check mark icon. Courses in progress appear with the In Progress yellow diamond icon. The Degree Audit assumes successful completion of in progress coursework, so that coursework can apply to pending requirements. Requirements being satisfied by in progress coursework are re-evaluated when there is a change in the status of the course (graded, withdrawn, etc). The Planned blue star icon is not currently used.

The header box includes a summary of the area(s) of study that the student has declared, as well as Cumulative GPA, Last Registered Term, and Expected Graduation Term. Definitions and further information on Requirement (Catalog) Term and Expected Grad Term can be found by clicking the corresponding links in the report.

UD Disclaimer

Residency Requirement
A requirement for all Undergraduate bachelor’s degree candidates, the Residency Requirement begins evaluating once a student has earned 90 cumulative credits. Prior to that, it still appears, but only as informational text describing the requirement.

University Requirements
This section includes items that are required of all Undergraduate bachelor’s degree students.

University Breadth
University Breadth is also required of all Undergraduate bachelor’s degree students. Students in a single major may not use a course that is in the subject area of that major.
College Requirements/Breadth
Depending on the college(s) and major(s) for the student, there may be college-level breadth and other requirements. Note that some colleges have breadth lists that are distinct from the University Breadth lists. Care should be taken to ensure that the correct list is being referenced when selecting courses for these requirements.
Major Requirements
Major level requirements appear next, beginning with the total minimum credits required for the degree. Concentration/specialization specific requirements will also appear in this section, if applicable.
Honors Degree Candidate Requirements
For students who have declared pursuit of an honors degree with the honors program, a separate section displaying those requirements will appear below the major.
Minor and Certificate Requirements
Minor and Certificate level requirements appear next, for students who have declared one.

Courses Not Used By Degree Audit
- Free Electives: expand this line to view any coursework not currently being used toward University-level, college-level, or major-level requirements.
- Courses Taken Outside of Undergraduate Career: expand this line to view any coursework taken outside of the Undergraduate career (typically for students in a 4+1 program). Coursework listed here (taken outside the Undergraduate career) does not automatically apply to requirements in the Undergraduate degree audit. Any coursework taken in the graduate career prior to completion of the undergraduate degree must be internally transferred back to the undergraduate career, and this line helps advisors and administrative staff with monitoring those cases.
- Audit and Withdrawal Grades: expand this line to view courses on the student’s record with a grade of L or W. This is for reference, as this coursework does not earn credit and is not eligible to satisfy requirements.
- Failing Grades: expand this line to view courses on the student’s record with a grade of F, Z, or X. This is for reference, as this coursework does not earn credit and is not eligible to satisfy requirements.