Class Registration

Tools & Resources
Before you register
Not a current student at the University of Delaware?
Apply online for:
- Undergraduate Admissions (students who want to enroll in undergraduate courses toward completion of a degree program at the University of Delaware)
- Graduate Admissions (students who want to enroll in graduate courses toward completion of a degree program at the University of Delaware)
- Professional and Continuing Education (students who want to enroll in courses and are not planning to complete a degree at the University of Delaware)

The Holds & To-Do List tile will, on the tile face, list the number of holds you have that will prevent you from registering.
If a number is listed, be sure to click the tile and view the Hold Description. Click the Hold Description to view Hold Details.

The Courses & Enrollment tile displays the Enrollment Dates menu item, listing when you may begin registering for the chosen term.

The Degrees & Advisement tile, displays the Advisors menu item, showing your Advisor's information and email.
Prepare questions in advance when meeting with your advisor!
This is the specific date/time you can begin online course registration. To check your registration appointment:
- Open UDSIS and click on the Courses & Enrollment tile on your student homepage.
- On the 'Enrollment Dates' page, select the correct term and click 'Continue'.
Appointments are assigned for Fall, Winter, Summer, and Spring. Summer has several sessions so you will see multiple rows for that appointment.
The end date/time for your appointment is the Last Day to Add or Drop courses for that term. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for more information about this and other important dates and deadlines.
- Check what courses are required for your degree by reviewing your Degree Audit.
- Review complete details under What We Require for Graduation in the Academic Catalog at Academic Requirements for Graduation.
- Review the 'Four Year Plan' information in the Academic Catalog for your program.
- Contact your advisor(s) to schedule an advising appointment.
- Compare remaining degree requirements to the active course offerings in courses search.
- Utilize the Blue Hen Planner to create several different schedule options prior to registration.
- Use the Courses Search to search for classes in the upcoming term.
- Search for Academic requirements or University Breadth Requirements
- Review Supplemental Course Descriptions for the term
Access the What-If Report in the Degrees & Advisement tile of your UD Student Homepage. Use this report to review how certain courses could apply towards your degree requirements. You can also What-If to learn about degree requirements if contemplating a different/additional major or minor.
For additional help, see Reading the What-If Report.
View Courses
- Search Course Descriptions for a synopsis, including credit information, co- and pre-requisites, and any restrictions or permissions needed to register. Students must meet prerequisite requirements prior to the start of any class with a prerequisite.
- Use Courses Search to view meeting times for the term, or click the link in Course Descriptions.
- View Supplemental Course Descriptions.
- Interested in Independent Study? See FAQs.
To Register, Drop/Add Classes and View your Schedule
Registration Tips and Guidelines
- Course Section Numbering - General Guidelines
- Registration Help - Frequently asked questions & how to use WebReg
- Registration Standards and Class Attendance
- Registration Timeline - When to use each tool
- WebReg Course Permit Submission Instructions
- Questions? Contact the Registrar's Office - Registrar@udel.edu or 302-831-2131.