Webreg Guide for Students

Tools & Resources
Webreg Student Guide
Follow the steps below to learn about WebReg (UD's Student Registration Tool).
How to Drop a Course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_mbx07mb4/
In Webreg, open and select the desired term.
To add a course to your schedule type the course identified (subject and catalog number) in the “Add course ID” field. For example, “ANTH101.”
Select the appropriate section.
You can also use the magnifying glass to look up a course.
You can search for a class using any of the search fields.
Enter your desired search information and select the “Search” button.
Select your desired section using the side buttons and click “Select course.”
Once selected, click the “Add course(s)” button to enroll the student. Some courses may also require the selection of Credit hours or Instructor before clicking the “Add courses(s)" button.
How to Drop a Course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_zq1gvkr8/
To drop from an enrolled course, click the “Drop” button next to the course.
WebReg will show a message for which course will be dropped and should be reviewed before the drop is confirmed. Co-requisites will be dropped together. To confirm the drop, click “Drop course(s).”
How to Swap a course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_tqhj28f7/
To swap courses click the “Swap” button for the course.
Enter the new course information on the “Replacement course ID” field and select the appropriate section.
Click “Swap course(s)” to complete the swap.
How to Swap a Component of a Course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_2i14ba9q/
To swap a component of a course, such as a lab or discussion that is connected to the same lecture, click the “Swap” button for the component you wish to swap.
A popup will appear asking you to search for the replacement course ID for both the lecture and lab, click the “Cancel” button, as you only wish to change the component, not the lecture.
Then repeat step 1, and click “Swap” next to the component you wish to replace. For classes with multiple components, it is important to click “Swap” on the same component!
A popup will appear asking if you would like to swap all the components of the class or just the selected component. Click the “Find Another Section” button.
Note: If this message does not appear, the course is not set up for the component to be swapped.
The system will provide you with a list of available sections, use the drop down to view.
Click your new desired section.
Click the “Swap Sections” button.
How to Change Credit Amount of a Course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_wa4pg2c7/
In Webreg, open and select the desired term. Select "Edit" next to the class.
From there, you can change the credit hours using the drop down.
Select the new number of credit hours.
Then read and click the box of acknowledgement and then "update courses."
How to Pass/Fail a course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_l3p4wuao/
In Webreg, open and select the desired term.
Next to the course you wish to take as pass/fail, you will see the “Edit” button. Click that button:
In the drop down, you can select "Pass/Fail Student Option.”
After selecting, you must read and check the acknowledgement.
You can then click "Update Course(s)."
How to Audit a Course in WebReg: https://capture.udel.edu/media/1_q5pume3p/
In Webreg, open and select the desired term.
Next to the course you wish to audit, you will see the “Edit” button. Click that button:
In the drop down, you can select "Audit."
After selecting, you must read and check the acknowledgement.
You can then click "Update Course(s)."
To self withdraw from a course, open Webreg and select the desired term.
Next to the course you wish to withdraw, you will see the “Withdraw” button. Click that button:
You will receive an acknowledgement. You must click the box, and then click “drop courses(s).”
Hold on Record
There is a hold on your account preventing registration. Holds can be found on the UD Student Homepage in the Holds & To-Do List tile. There you will find information about the hold and steps towards lifting it.
Reserved Seats
There is a reserve on the seats. You may reach out to the offering department to request permission into a course. Department contact information can be found here.
Department or Instructor Consent is required
Enrollment in this course must be approved by the department or instructor. Please contact the offering department with your request to register. Department contact information can be found here.
Requisites Error
You do not meet the requisites for this course. If you still wish to pursue enrollment, please reach out to the offering department with your request. Department contact information can be found here. Once classes begin, you can submit a course permit form.
Course is Full and Waitlist
The class is full. You can add yourself to the waitlist.