Getting Started in CLSS

North Green

Getting Started in CLSS


  1. Go to CLSS site.
  2. Sign in with CAS credentials (must be added to CLSS system; email to request)
  3. Open the Instance (Term) you are working in

4. Search for your scheduling unit (Department) in the search bar at top right, or scroll through alphabetical listing

5. Double click the scheduling unit

6. Use Expand-All or Collapse-All arrows in top left to see or hide sections of courses

7. Double click the Course to see scheduled sections.

8. Double click the Section to open the Section Editor to make changes.

9. At the top of most pages in CLSS is a (?) button. Clicking this button will bring you to CourseLeaf provided help pages for the screen you are in. For instance, if you click the help button while in the Schedule Snapper, it will walk you through setting up the meeting pattern of your section.