Net Price Calculator
What will it cost you as an undergrad?
This tool is designed to provide you with an early indication of what you may pay for a University of Delaware education. Your calculator results will include the amount and types of financial aid you may qualify for if you enroll at UD as a full-time college freshman. A more accurate financial award package is included with each offer of admission.
*The accuracy of your estimated award is based on the information you provide. This calculator is intended for incoming freshmen, entering the fall semester, pursuing their first undergraduate degree, and who will be enrolled full time. For US Citizens and permanent residents, the estimated awards are based on the assumption that the student will complete the FAFSA.
Please note this calculator is for estimates only and the actual award package will vary depending upon regulatory and institutional policy changes, availability of funds, academic record, as well as verifiable financial information.
University of Delaware provides more than
$300 million in financial aid.

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