Expected Graduation Terms

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Check / Change your Expected Graduation Term
As an undergraduate student, you are assigned an Expected Graduation Term four years from the term you were first admitted to UD (for example, a student admitted in Fall 2023 is assigned a Spring 2027 Expected Graduation Term). While the goal is usually to "finish in four," your situation may be different – perhaps you are a transfer student who expects to graduate sooner than four years, or you added a double major and it will take you longer than four years to complete your degree.
You will be asked to review your Expected Graduation Term and other academic information the first time you login to UDSIS each fall semester. You are responsible for ensuring that your Expected Graduation Term is accurate. An accurate Expected Graduation Term is important for:
- appropriate academic advisement,
- uninterrupted access to registration, and
- inclusion in timely messaging about graduation.
Check your Expected Graduation Term
View your current Expected Graduation Term in your UDSIS UD Student Homepage in the Degrees & Advisement tile under the Programs menu item (Graduation Term). It also appears in your Degree Audit.
Change your Expected Graduation Term
It is not clear where you see that folder: If needed, change your Expected Graduation Term in your UDSIS UD Student Homepage by opening the Undergraduate students folder and selecting the Change Graduation Term form. You can find the folder under the Degrees & Advisement tile or the Forms tile. You can also use the link below:
Registrar Link Center
Student Help
University Visitors Center, 210 South College Avenue, Newark, DE 19716 registrar@udel.edu (302) 831-2131 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.