Bryan Crissinger
Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
Bryan Crissinger, M.S.
Senior Instructor
Office location:
224 Townsend Hall
531 S. College Avenue
Newark, DE 19716
Related links
- M.S. Statistics, 2001, Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Mathematics / Statistics minor, 1997, Messiah College
- MATH 201, 202 Introduction to Business Statistics I and II
- MATH 205 Statistical Methods
- MATH 230 Finite Mathematics
- MATH 300 Probability and Statistics
- MATH 366 Independent Study: Randomized Experiments and Data Analysis with R
- MATH 450 Mathematical Statistics
- STAT 200 Basic Statistical Practice
- STAT 470, 471 Intro to Stat Analysis I and II
Crissinger, B. (2015). “The Effect of Distributed Practice in Undergraduate Homework Sets: A Randomized Trial,” Journal of Statistics Education, 23(3). www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v23n3/crissinger.pdf