Procurement Services aims to provide University employees with an understanding of procurement processes through various resources including reference materials, help guides, and training videos.
For detailed information on engaging with suppliers, please visit the Onboarding & Updating Suppliers page.
To learn more about purchasing at UD, please visit the Purchasing page.
Sourcing Event Request (SER) Form in UD Exchange
To learn more about payments at UD, please vist the Accounts Payable page.
Session 1- May 9: Concur Webinar- "The Basics"
Session 2-May 23: Concur Webinar "Travel-Before You Go"
Session 3-June 6: Concur Webinar "Travel-Expense Reports"
Session 4-July 11: "Concur Webinar- Cash Advances"
Session 5-July 25: "Personal/Non-Reimbursable Charges"
Procurement Services and the Research Office together offer the following guidance regarding the use of Concur with respect to sponsored programs (sponsored direct, cost share, program income), particularly as it relates to documentation of award costs. While this may apply to all UD purchases, UD staff involved with post-award activities should directly benefit from this guidance.
Click here and scroll down to download the documentation on this guidance.
More information coming soon!
Please note that the UDX Test Site is not updated with employee data as regularly as the UDX Production Site. For this reason, you may receive an error when trying to log into the UDX Test site for the first time. If this occurs, please email procurement@udel.edu and request that a profile be created for you in the UDX Test Site.
Training Videos for UD Exchange are hosted in ConnectingU.
The videos are arranged in courses based on the user roles that employees have or will need to have in UD Exchange.
For employees who will need the Requester or Department Purchasing Specialist role assigned to their user profile in UD Exchange, completing the ConnectingU training for their role is required. Details for assigning required courses and completing the certificate programs can be found in ConnectingU.
If you choose to complete the practice exercises provided in ConnectingU, please note that the UDX Test Site is not updated with employee data as regularly as the UDX Production Site. For this reason, you may receive an error when trying to log into the UDX Test site for the first time. If this occurs, please email procurement@udel.edu and request that a profile be created for you in the UDX Test Site.
Shopping Using Hosted Catalogs
Shopping Using Punch-Out Catalogs
Punchout Supplier Shipping Details
Adding Details to Shopping Carts
Processing Assigned Shopping Carts
Preparing a Non-Catalog Request
Submitting a Non-Catalog Request
Assigning and Unassigning Shopping Carts to and from Requesters
Adding Financial Information to Requistions
Trade-Ins: Submitting a Non-Catalog Request with a Trade-In Item
How to Use the Sourcing Event Request (SER) Form
Procurement Services and the Research Office together offer the following guidance regarding the use of UDX with respect to sponsored programs (sponsored direct, cost share, program income), particularly as it relates to documentation of award costs. While this may apply to all UD purchases, UD staff involved with post-award activities should directly benefit from this guidance.
Click here and scroll down to download the documentation on this guidance.