Brian Ladman
Brian Ladman
Office location:
Charles C. Allen Biotechnology Laboratory
601 Sincock Lane
Newark, DE 19716
- University of Delaware, Newark, DE, BS, Animal Science 1997
- University of Delaware, Newark, DE, MS, Animal Science/ Virology 2000
- University of Delaware, Newark, DE, MBA Finance 2004
- University of Delaware, Newark, DE, PhD Animal Science/Virology 2015
Dr. Brian Ladman is a Senior Scientist in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at the University of Delaware. He helps lead the University of Delaware Poultry Health System (UDPHS) which provides diagnostic testing and technical assistance to poultry integrators, growers, veterinarians and members of allied industries around the world. This work often leads to research projects to develop or improve diagnostic tools for avian pathogens as well as develop and/or evaluate avian vaccines and vaccination programs for such pathogens like AIV, IBV, IBDV, ILTV, and NDV. Recent projects include: development and evaluation of an emergency vaccine to protect against a novel strain of IBV, evaluation of feed supplements to improve avian gut health, evaluation of international IBV and IBDV vaccines, and evaluation of avian influenza vaccines held in the National Stockpile. To support these efforts of the UDPHS, Dr. Ladman has become an expert in USDA/CDC Select Agent regulations, Biosafety level 3 laboratory management and ISO17025 accreditation.
Ladman, B. S., J. Gelb, Jr., L. A. Sauble, M. V. Murphy, and E. Spackman. Protection Afforded By Avian Influenza Vaccination Programs Consisting Of A Novel RNA Particle And An Inactivated Avian Influenza Vaccine Against A Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Challenge In Layer Chickens Up To 18 Weeks Post-Vaccination. Avian Pathology. AUG;48(4):371-381. 2019.
Li, J., Z. Helal, B. Ladman, C. Karch, J. Gelb, Jr., P. Burkhard and M. I. Khan. Nanoparticle Vaccine for Avian Influenza Virus: A Challenge Study against Highly Pathogenic H5N2 Subtype. Journal of Virology and Antiviral Research. 6:4. 2017.
Preskenis, L.A., B. S. Ladman and J. Gelb, Jr. Identification of Type A Influenza Viruses from Wild Birds on the Delmarva Peninsula, 2007-2010. Avian Diseases. 61(1): 83-89. 2017.
Gelb, J. Jr., D. J. Jackwood, E. M. Brannick and B. S. Ladman. Efficacy of recombinant HVT-IBD vaccines administered to broiler chicks from a single breeder flock at 30 and 60 weeks of age. Avian Diseases. 60(3):603-612. 2016.