Worrilow Hall Redesign
Our state-of-the-art, open-concept laboratories and core facilities boast a synergistic design that transforms the learning and research experience.
40-year-old Worrilow Hall redesigned
Experts agree that by the year 2050, the world’s population will grow by more than two billion people, confirming that there has never been a more pressing need for innovation and discovery in agriculture and natural resources. Students and faculty in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) challenge norms, push barriers and conduct research that has broad global impact, providing solutions to some of the most pervasive problems in plant, animal, soil and food sciences.
Originally constructed in 1980 and containing both teaching and research labs, Worrilow Hall is the primary laboratory building for the 80 faculty and more than 1,000 students in agriculture and natural resources. From genetics to animal physiology, soil chemistry to wildlife conservation, food microbiology to poultry pathology, Worrilow’s physical space is where these critical disciplines intersect. Within these walls, faculty expertise meets undergraduate inquiry and graduate exploration.
As industry trends shift and interests evolve, the need for additional, flexible spaces, innovative teaching labs and new equipment grows. Open lab space will inspire collaboration and efficiencies amongst CANR research faculty. The building also features reconfigured learning rooms, updated sensory and testing labs, increased space for graduate students and expanded collaborative space for CANR students. This investment will ensure our faculty, and thereby our students, can create even more innovative solutions to global issues.
Instructional lab spaces:
- Anatomy and Physiology Lab
- Food Science Lab
- Plant and Soil Science Lab
Labs for services:
Additional spaces include:
- Lunch break room (one per floor)
- Lounge
- Conference room areas
Scroll through Worrilow Hall changes
Honoring generosity
The University of Delaware is proud to acknowledge the individuals and organizations whose generous philanthropic contributions have resulted in the redesign of Worrilow Hall. The collaborative and transformative research, education, outreach and problem-based learning that take place inside these walls are a testament to the dedication of those listed here as of September 1, 2020.
For information about donor recognition and naming opportunities in Worrilow Hall, contact Dan Sarkissian, Senior Director of Development for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, at 302-831-4595 or djs@udel.edu.
* Indicates donors who are recognized within Worrilow Hall.
◆ Indicates George M. Worrilow Awardees. Since 1970, the George M. Worrilow Award has been presented annually to a graduate of the college who has exhibited outstanding service to agriculture. Awardees are recognized both on the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources alumni page, under “Alumni Awards”, and engraved on a plaque in Worrilow Hall.
Alfred C. Ball
Charles C. Allen III ’71 & Barbara Allen
Ralph T. Alls `66 `69M and Merry Ellen Evens Alls `69 *
Anonymous Alumnus *
Ruth Beauchamp
Joseph J. Bill '86
Brian and Kelly Brooks
Charles L. Burton and Marie D. Burton ’84 *
i.g. Burton & Company, Inc. *
Keith H. '64 and Carol R. Carlisle ◆
B. Vance Carmean, Jr. ’62 and Kathleen H. Carmean ’64 *
Blair R. Carmean ’88 and Cheryl A. Carmean ’87 *
Theodore H. Carski '86Ph.D. and Janet C. Ruhl '92Ph.D. *
Robert B. Cohen ’72, V.M.D. *
Philip J. Comba and Kathleen Hastings
Ruth S. Crossan
Gary D. Curl ’74,’76 and Carol Jones-Curl in memory of Dr. Dale F. Bray *
Rodney H. Dann Jr. '59
The Delaware Atlantis Foundation *
The Donofrio Family *
Susan Solymos Ferenz '80 '90M and Richard J. Ferenz '72 '86M
Barbara Starzmann Fifer '62 and Carlton C. Fifer '62 ◆
Jill and Garry Fussell
Charles A. Genuardi '70 and Patricia Genuardi *
Patricia Lynch Haas '70 and Theodore A. Haas '71 ◆
Robert V. and Nancy S. Hearn
Allan H. and Roseanne Henderson
The Hesseltine Family in memory of Dr. Wilbur R. Hesseltine *
Andrea Krempasky Hillman '80
Donald and Barbara E. Hopkins
Phillip O. Hutton Jr. '71 '73M and Linda Hill Hutton '73 *
Daniel R. and Cathy A. Kaltenbach
Stanley R. and Marguerite C. Kaniecki
Brian S. Ladman '97 '00M '04M '15PhD and Alison Loupos Ladman '01M
Longwood Foundation *
Susan McCutcheon
Gene R. and Linden K. Meyer
William III and Katherine D. Middleton
Peggy T. and Donald A. Morris
Bernard D. Murphy '75 in memory of Herbert J. Murphy Jr. '51 *
Noreen A. Murphy '60
Patricia D. and Ken Nilsestuen
Mildred B. Palmer
Barbara P. and Arthur C. Parker Jr.
Roy C. Perry ‘77 and Jaqueline B. Perry ‘10 *
Stewart Ramsey Jr. '85 '88M
Mark and Barbara C. Rieger
Daniel J. Rogalski
Karen and Fred Schreckengost
Paul A. and Jane H. Schreckengost
Katherine Ditmer Short '05 and Charles Short
Patricia P. Simpson
Nancy G. Stavely
Carol K. Stephens
Robin L. Talley '84 '96 ◆ and Richard P. Szvitich
Gerard F. Teckmeyer
Robert M. Thompson, Jr., V.M.D. '81 and Barbara Barrow Thompson *
H. Wesley Towers Jr. '64 and Saralee Webb Towers ◆
Welfare Foundation, Inc. *
Susan H. and Andrew F. West
William F. and Ann Marie Willard *
Willard Agri-Service of Greenwood *
David A. Willis '71 and B. Wells Willis '71 *
Melinda L. Zoehrer '94M and Frederick P. Darke '77