Records and Billing

Medical Records
The UD Health Portal provides 24/7 secure access to your medical records, including visit notes, test results and immunization information.
Once logged into your UD Health Portal, you can view, download and print your records from the "Medical Records" section. Additionally, you can view specific types of records, such as immunizations or lab results, by going to the respective links in the portal.
Utilize the "Medical Records" section of the UD Health Portal to obtain copies of your medical or immunization records for personal use. If you are unable to access your records or need other assistance in accessing your records, please complete a Records Release Request in the "Messages" section on the portal. You can submit this request by creating a "New Message" then selecting "General Inquiry" and "Medical Record Release Request."
Written authorization is required to release medical information from Student Health Services to another designated entity.
Patients without access to the UD Health Portal can complete a paper copy of the Medical Release Form and return it to Student Health Services via email, fax (302-831-6407) or mail (282 The Green, Laurel Hall, Newark, DE, 19716-8101).
Please note that the University retains records for seven years. Records older than seven years may not be available.
Fees and Insurance
Most services are covered by the UD Wellbeing Fee, which is a standard University fee that is automatically charged to all full-time students in the fall and spring semester, as well as Winter Session if enrolled in a class.
All students are required to have health insurance or opt into the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) available through Aetna / University Health Plans. Services not covered by the wellbeing fee may bill insurance or have some out-of-pocket costs.
UD Wellbeing Fee vs. Insurance: youtube.com/watch?v=38vBXYUjp_Y