student advising
- Assigned to Academic Advisor Susan Coffing
- Office hours and appointment scheduling available via Blue Hen Success from UDSIS Student Homepage>Degrees and Advisement
- Just click on my Personal Availability Link below to go directly to the scheduling site: https://udel.campus.eab.com/pal/lYulKyTeqV
If you need advisement and cannot schedule an appointment or attend office hours with Susan Coffing, please email MMSC administrative assistant Ms. Danni Rose at mms-dept@udel.edu and she will help you schedule.
- Juniors and seniors with advising questions should contact their advisor as indicated in UDSIS to request information or to schedule a meeting. The link for directory information for all departmental faculty advisors can be found here.
- For graduate student advisement or grad program information, please contact Dr. Esther Biswas-Fiss at ebiswas@udel.edu
- Academic Calendar: includes fall Drop/Add deadline, fall mid-term grades-posted date, Registration-change deadline, etc.: https://www1.udel.edu/registrar/cal/
- Breadth Requirements: courses listed by breadth category:
https://catalog.udel.edu/content.php?catoid=40&navoid=6632 - Course listings: www.udel.edu/courses - selecting the “Courses Search” function from the tabs at the top will provide you with information for courses offered by semester; “Course Descriptions” provides information about all courses offered. Both include prerequisites. In Courses Search, be sure to select the correct term
- Degree Audit: Check your personalized real-time degree completion status by reviewing your Degree Audit via UDSIS. Go to the UDSIS home screen, select the Degrees and Advisement tile, then “Degree Audit”. The PDF version (select bar at the top of the page) is in a format preferred by many students. This will tell you what requirements you have completed and what’s left - all up-to-the-minute status.
- Disability Support Services (DSS): provides accommodations and services to UD students with disabilities, psychological or medical conditions, or temporary injuries that limit their access to the UD environment. We understand that an online format may cause new challenges and encourage you to contact DSS to discuss accessibility accommodations related to your courses. https://sites.udel.edu/dss/
- Full Course in MMSC: The course scheduler for MMSC, Danni Rose (dtrose@udel.edu) can only register you for MMSC courses. You can reach out to her for any of your MMSC course registration needs. Be specific in your request and always include your UDID number in all registration requests. Requests for non-MMSC courses must go through the other respective departments.
- Full Course outside MMSC Department: if you need help with registration for a course outside the MMSC department (such as BISC300 or PHYS201), please contact the course scheduling contact for the appropriate department, listed here: http://www1.udel.edu/registrar/faculty_staff/dept_contacts.html.
- Grade Forgiveness Policy: retake up to two UD courses (max 8 credits) and have the lowest of the repeated course grades excluded from the GPA. Eligible courses are those taken through the academic term during which a student attains a total of 28 credits attempted at UD, and in which a student earned a C- or lower. Details, instructions and how to submit the request form can be found here: https://www1.udel.edu/registrar/policies-procedures/gradeforgiveness.html
- Math requirements for MMSC majors: All majors in the MMSC department require at least MATH114 College Math & Statistics. If you are planning an academic or professional path that requires physics, MATH115 is a prerequisite for PHYS201 Introductory Physics I. Also, some medical, dental, etc. programs - as well as the Health Professions Evaluation Committee (HPEC) Letter of Recommendation - require calculus which is MATH221.
- Office of Academic Enrichment: all tutoring and academic support services are now available online, and they have added a page, Tips for Succeeding in Classes Online, which they hope students will find useful as they manage the transition. http://www.ae.udel.edu
- Registration Instructions link: http://www1.udel.edu/registrar/course-info-registration/register-for-classes.html
- Test Credits:
- Advanced Placement Credit for Fall 2020/Spring 2021: http://www1.udel.edu/registrar/transfer/APCredit-AcYear2020-21.pdf;
- International Baccalaureate Credit for Fall 2020/Spring 2021: http://www1.udel.edu/registrar/transfer/IBCredit-AcYear2020-21.pdf ;
- Transfer Credit information: www.udel.edu/registrar and then select “Transfer Credit Information” from the blue box on the left side. “How to Transfer Undergraduate Courses to UD” http://www1.udel.edu/registrar/transfer/instructions
- Tutoring Resources: see Office of Academic Enrichment https://www.ae.udel.edu/
- UDSIS (Student Information System): this is where all student-specific information will post - schedules, grades, etc. https://my.udel.edu/task/all/udsisstudent
- Undergraduate Catalog: go to “Program” from menu on left to go to all majors and minors at UD: https://catalog.udel.edu/index.php .
- Waitlist: If a section you want is full, you may be able to add yourself to a waitlist. Students will be automatically enrolled from the waitlist if seats become available AND IF:
- You are not already enrolled in another section of the course. Once you are enrolled in any section of a course, you cannot be automatically enrolled from the waitlist for any other section when the program runs each evening.
- You do not have a schedule conflict - if there’s a conflict with a course already on your schedule the program will not add you.
- You meet all the requirements for pre-requisites and restrictions for example a section or course that is restricted to certain majors, minors or class status such as junior, etc.
- Adding you will not put you over the maximum credit load for the term
Waitlists remain active starting with the registration cycle until the first day of classes each term. Once the first day of the semester begins, the waitlists are purged. Students who still want to pursue consideration for registration in a course must submit the Course Permit/Drop-Add request form found in UDSIS>Forms. This form goes directly to the department sponsoring the course and is a request, not a guarantee. To find the form, go to either UDSIS>Forms>Course Permit (Drop/Add) or find the form at this link: https://udapps.nss.udel.edu/webforms/embtform?wf_id=338&wf_ty=blank.
For more info and instructions on waitlists, FAQs are found here:
- Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (AMBB)
- Medical Diagnostics (MDD)
- Medical Diagnostics Pre-Physician Assistant Concentration (MDD/PPA)
- Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
* these checklists are to assist in curriculum planning only. For official list of requirements, please refer to the undergraduate catalog for each major at: https://catalog.udel.edu/content.php?catoid=40&navoid=6635
- Career Center: exploring career options, internships, grad schools or seeking employment: 302.831.2392; E-mail: udcareers@udel.edu; 401 Academy Street https://www.udel.edu/students/career-center/
- Center for Counseling and Student Development website: www.udel.edu/counseling; 302.831.2141; 261 Perkins Student Center (second floor); UD Helpline 24 hour hotline for urgent counseling needs including Sexual Offense Support at 302.831.1001
- Center for Health Professions Studies: focused on helping students across the colleges who are pursuing careers in the health professions: https://sites.udel.edu/healthpro/about-us/
- Computer Availability Issues:
The Office of the Dean of Students is supporting students who are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 situation. If you do not have access to a device and reliable internet service, you may contact deanofstudents@udel.edu to get assistance. Students who do not have the financial means to purchase items like webcams, can and should apply to the Student Crisis Fund. For the Student Crisis Fund link go to: https://sites.udel.edu/deanofstudents/support/ - students can complete and submit an application at https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?UnivofDelaware&layout_id=24. - Email access: search “UDEL email” to find UD’s GSuite, then log in using your credentials
- Health Professions Evaluation Committee (HPEC): evaluates students applying to dental, medical, optometry, and podiatry schools for letters of recommendation. Students are advised to open an HPEC file in the sophomore year: https://sites.udel.edu/healthpro/hpec_home/
- Medical and Molecular Sciences Club (Student Club): strives to form a greater bond between peers interested in the Medical and Molecular Sciences, as well as to promote the majors of the department, academic betterment, and offer networking opportunities for its members.
https://studentcentral.udel.edu/organization/medicalandmolecularsciencesclub - My UD: My UD enables students, staff, faculty, and parents/guardians to locate the forms and applications they need to conduct their University of Delaware business. https://my.udel.edu/
- Office of Campus and Public Safety: for an emergency call 911; for non-emergency call 302.831.8373; to sign up for UDAlert, UD’s two-way emergency notification system go to http://www1.udel.edu/alert/index.html
- Online Courses: Online learning may be an unfamiliar format for you and to help provide the support needed to continue successfully in your courses, UD has put together a great website with tips and valuable information regarding continuing your courses online, including technology support. Access at: Students Learning Remotely
- Parking Services: 302.831.1184; https://sites.udel.edu/parking/
- Parent/Guardian Secure Services: https://my.udel.edu/task/all/parent-guardian-services-my-finances
- Residence Life and Housing: website: https://www.udel.edu/students/reslife/
phone 302-831-HOME (4663) or email reslife-housing@udel.edu. - Sean’s House: Sean’s House is a mental health safe haven for young adults ages 14-24, promoting mental wellness by providing access to trained peer support specialists and assistance connecting with community mental health resources and providing space for schoolwork or relaxing with a friend; https://www.unlockethelight.com/seanshouse/seans-house/
- Student Financial Services: 302.831.2126; https://www.udel.edu/students/student-financial-services/
- Student ID Card: https://sites.udel.edu/freas-aux/onecard/
- Student Health Services: 302.831.2226; https://sites.udel.edu/studenthealth/
- Technology or email account issues: Call IT at 302.831.6000, text at 302.822.6820 or go to www.udel.edu/IT. You can also email askit@udel.edu.
- Medical Diagnostics, please submit your Change of Major request form in UDSIS Webforms (via the Forms tile) and then contact Academic Advisor Susan Coffing at scoffing@udel.edu for curriculum advisement and scheduling
- Medical Diagnostics Pre Physician Assistant Concentration, please submit your Change of Major request form in UDSIS Webforms (via the Forms tile) and then contact Academic Advisor Susan Coffing at scoffing@udel.edu for curriculum advisement and scheduling
- Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, please contact Program Director Dr. Esther Biswas-Fiss at ebiswas@udel.edu
- Medical Laboratory Science, please contact Program Director Mrs. Leslie Allshouse at allshous@udel.edu
- Chemistry: state-of-the-art instrumentation is used to analyze many biochemical constituents such as glucose, cholesterol, enzymes and drugs in body fluids
- Hematology: whole blood is used for examining, counting, and identifying red and white blood cells and platelets
- Immunohematology (blood bank): units of blood or components are typed and cross-matched for transfusion
- Microbiology: disease-causing microorganisms are identified and their susceptibility to antibiotics determined
- Molecular diagnostics: detection of nucleic acids in clinical specimens is used for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of disease
- Body fluid analysis: urine and body fluids (other than blood) are analyzed chemically and examined for cellular structures and crystal formations
- Phlebotomy: blood is collected by venipuncture or by fingerstick for use by the laboratory departments to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
If you have questions or concerns about your schedule, MMSC courses, instruction, curriculum, etc. the best resources to resolve your concerns are within the MMSC department beginning with the Academic Advisor, Academic Support Coordinator and/or appropriate Program Director for your major and continuing on, if necessary, to the Vice Chair and Department Chair.
- Academic Advisor: Susan Coffing, scoffing@udel.edu, 302.831.8804
- Academic Support Coordinator (Registration help with MMSC Courses): Ms. Danni Rose, dtrose@udel.edu, 302.831.8400. Be sure to include your name, student ID and specific course section numbers in your email
- Program Directors:
- AMBB - Dr. Esther Biswas-Fiss, ebiswas@udel.edu, 302.831.2912
- MDD - Dr. Kimberly E. Walker, kewalker@udel.edu, 302.831.8737
- MDD-PPA - Dr. Virginia Hughes, vhughes@udel.edu, 302.831.3865
- MLS - Mrs. Leslie Allshouse, allshous@udel.edu, 302.831.2755
- Department Vice Chair: Mrs. Leslie Allshouse, allshous@udel.edu, 302.831.2755
- Department Chair: Dr. Esther Biswas-Fiss, ebiswas@udel.edu, 302.831.2912
If you cannot reach any of the above or for general MMSC questions, please contact Ms. Danni Rose at mms-dept@udel.edu or by phone at 302.831.8400 and she will connect you with someone to help you.
As of Fll 2019, the course abbreviation for courses offered by Medical & Molecular Sciences changed from MEDT to MMSC and some numbers also changed. Please see below:
MEDT398 is now MMSC402
MEDT399 is now MMSC412
MEDT403 is now MMSC436
MEDT405 is now MMSC433
MEDT413 is now MMSC437
MEDT415 is now MMSC434
MEDT430 is now MMSC438
MEDT431 is now MMSC439
MEDT401 is now MMSC407
MEDT417 is now MMSC417
MEDT404 is now MMSC423
MEDT414 is now MMSC424
MEDT406 is now MMSC428
MEDT416 is now MMSC429