Below, you will find a list of resources for Graduate students in the College of Health Sciences.
The following courses are open to students from multiple programs and/or offer interdisciplinary content.
Biomechanics & Movement Science
BMSC621010 / PHYT621010 – Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging in Clinical Practice & Research (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, Room TBD
Meeting Time: MW 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Description: Fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging of the trunk and major peripheral joints are covered through lectures, live demonstrations, and hands-on practice with instructor feedback. Applications of ultrasound imaging in healthcare practice and research are discussed and demonstrated. This course will formally meet at least 3 hours/week in the evening and require independent imaging practice and project-work outside of class. PREREQ: Students' transcripts must indicate that they have successfully taken an Anatomy course and achieved a B or better.
Seats reserved for students in the Biomechanics & Movement Science and Physical Therapy programs.
Kinesiology & Applied Physiology
KAAP605-050 Pathophysiology in Sport (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: ICE 210
Meeting Time: M 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Description: Physiological, mechanical, and neuromuscular mechanisms of common musculoskeletal injuries with implications for both clinical and research environments.
Seats reserved for students in the Athletic Training, Applied Physiology, Biomechanics and Movement Science, and Exercise Science programs.
KAAP609-050 Concussion Pathology & Management (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: ICE 156
Meeting Time: T 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Description: In addition to addressing the current controversies surrounding concussions, this course will provide foundation knowledge in concussion pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical and experimental assessment techniques, post-injury, cognitive and postural deficits, imaging approaches, and cumulative effects and later life neuropathological complications. Students present and discuss contemporary research.
Seats reserved for students in the Applied Physiology, Biomechanics and Movement Science, and Exercise Science programs.
KAAP627-010 Biomechanical Methods (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: HSC 229
Meeting Time: TR 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Description: Introduces students to fundamental methods of two- and three- dimensional analysis in biomechanics. Topics will include creation of local coordinate systems, coordinate system transformations, joint center predictions, vector manipulation, linear and angular kinematics, joint forces and moments.
Seats reserved for students in the Applied Physiology, Biomechanics and Movement Science, and Exercise Science programs.
KAAP628-010 Biomechanical Analyses with Visual3D (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: HSC 229
Meeting Time: TR 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Description: This course aims to introduce students to Visual3D a computation tools commonly used in biomechanics research. Using motion capture data as a framework, key concepts covered by this course include model building, event identification and metric quantification, kinematic and kinetic data extraction, scripting and automation, and data aggregation and file management. A key focus of this class will be teaching the underlying mathematical concepts and generalized approaches employed by Visual 3D, with a goal of preparing students to collect, process, and troubleshoot traditional biomechanics laboratory data. PREREQ: KAAP627.
Seats reserved for students in the Applied Physiology, Biomechanics and Movement Science, and Exercise Science programs.
KAAP631-010 Advanced Human Physiology II (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: TR 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Description: This course will focus on cell, organ, and systems physiology of the following three areas: renal, neuromuscular, and gastrointestinal.
Seats reserved for students in the Applied Physiology, Biomechanics and Movement Science, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Sciences, and Exercise Science graduate programs, as well as the Human Physiology undergraduate program.
EPID604-010 Introduction to Epidemiologic Data Analysis in SAS (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: Online
Meeting Time: MW 11:00AM - 12:15PM
Description: Overview of basic analytical epidemiologic methods using SAS Statistical Software. The course covers working with SAS Statistical Software to import, modify, merge, analyze, store, and document the steps of data analysis from the collection of data through the dissemination of results.
EPID610-010 Epidemiology Methods II (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: STAR113
Meeting Time: W 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Description: Continued introduction to epidemiological concepts and methods. Emphasis on calculation and interpretation of crude and adjusted data, measures of association, and study design.
EPID613-010 Biostatistics for Health Sciences II (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In person, TBD
Meeting Time: T 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Description: An intermediate statistics course for graduate students in the College of Health Sciences with applications for population health. The course covers research designs, analysis of confounding, and logistic regression. The course is taught using SAS statistical software. PREREQ: EPID603.
EPID614-010 Biostatistics for Health Sciences III (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: Online
Meeting Time: Asynchronous
Description: An intermediate statistics course for graduate students in the College of Health Sciences with applications to clinical health. The course covers research designs, ANOVA, linear regression, and multiple regression. The course is taught using SPSS software. PREREQ: STAT 656, EPID 613.
EPID631-010 Analyzing Epidemiologic Data Using R (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: Hybrid, TBD
Meeting Time: R 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Description: Analyze epidemiologic data using R, software, organize, data, make plots ranging from the basic (boxplots, histograms, scatterplots), to the more advanced (beanplots, volcano, and Manhattan plots), and present results from your data in a compelling way.
Medical and Molecular Sciences
MMSC667-010 Healthcare in the Genomic Era (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: Online and WHL006
Meeting Time: T 5:30PM - 8:30PM
Description: Human genetics and variant interpretation commence important personalized or precision medicine. This course covers involvement of genetic variants in human disorders such as inherited cardiomyopathies, classification of genetic variants in hereditary cancer genes, phenylketonuria, RASopthies, hearing disorder, and familial hypercholesterolemia. An undergrad course in Biology or Genetic and or Molecular Biology is recommended.
MMSC681-010 Science and Healthcare Policy (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: Hybrid, TBD
Meeting Time: R 5:00PM - 8:00PM
This course offers an introduction to social and political thinking about the role of biomedical science and healthcare in society and the relationship between science and government. Science should play a vital role in shaping policy and society. At the same time, social, cultural and political forces shape the production of scientific knowledge and its application to healthcare. We will focus on developments in science policy, using case studies and current theory in biomedical science and healthcare policy research asking pertinent questions.
MMSC800-010 Preparing Research Proposals (2 cr.)
Meeting Location: WHL 327
Meeting Time: W 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Comprehensive practical experience in the design and writing of research proposals on the level of NIH/NSF grant funding. RESTRICTIONS: Open to graduate students only.
Health Behavior & Nutrition Sciences
BHAN645-050 - Health, Physical Activity, & Disability (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: T 4:00 pm-7:00 pm
Description: Advanced study of emerging trends and policies related to health and physical activity for individuals with disabilities. Includes planning, implementation, and evaluation of community-based programs designed to promote health and function in individuals with disabilities.
BHAN820-010 - Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Behavior (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: M 3:35 pm-6:35 pm
Description: Studies the social, economic and environmental conditions under which people live that determine their health. Explore how influences such as income, living conditions, education, infrastructure, built environment, religious affiliation, healthcare, social capital, stress, gender, and race affect health and longevity.
BHAN820-011 - Social and Environmental Determinants of Health Behavior (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: M 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Description: Studies the social, economic and environmental conditions under which people live that determine their health. Explore how influences such as income, living conditions, education, infrastructure, built environment, religious affiliation, healthcare, social capital, stress, gender, and race affect health and longevity.
HLPR631-050 Health Coaching (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: M 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Description: Course develops patient and client centered coaching skills, techniques and knowledge to facilitate positive behavior change to improve health and reduce chronic disease. Emphasis is placed on individual as well as group-oriented coaching skills within the context of health care through personal practice and observation. PREREQ: HLPR630.
HLPR650-050 Healthy Lifestyles - Mind Body Behavior (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: T 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Description: Healthy lifestyle behavior change from a mind-body perspective. Learn about mind-body behavioral interventions in the areas of physical activity, nutrition, sleep hygiene and stress management. Develop abilities to critically evaluate mind-body research and apply these interventions.
HLPR804-010 Advanced Health Promotion Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: M 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Description: Provides theoretical and practical skills for designing and implementing evaluation strategies and techniques in a variety of health behavior science and promotion settings. Evaluation designs and methods to assess process, impact, and outcome evaluation in health behavior science promotion settings are emphasized. PREREQ: HLPR803.
HLPR813-050 Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: W 3:35 pm – 6:35 pm
Description: Relationships among social, psychological, and cultural factors and health, including prevention and treatment of disease and other health behaviors.
HLPR819-010 Social Marketing (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: R 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Description: Application of marketing principles to health behavior change. Includes the development, implementation and evaluation of social marketing campaigns; theories of behavior change applied to marketing; message development, targeting and segmentation; analysis of current social marketing initiatives.
NTDT610-010 Overweight and Obesity Prevention and Management (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: W 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Description: Pathophysiology and therapies for overweight/obesity. Tools to assess and manage weight. Examination of diet/exercise, pharmacotherapy and surgery as treatment options. Treatment and prevention resources for client education. Review of popular weight loss regimens. Related legislative and policy issues. Analysis and synthesis of current scientific literature on obesity-related topics.
NTDT611-050 Advanced Macronutrient Metabolism (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: W 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Description: Metabolism and its relation to human nutrition; current literature; methods and techniques of nutrition research.
NTDT822-010 Research Methods in Nutrition Assessment (3 cr.)
Meeting Location: In Person, TBD
Meeting Time: M 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Description: Advanced study of nutrition status assessment methods from a research perspective. Principles/assumptions of methods; critical evaluation of literature as it relates to contemporary issues. Course culminates with study design/research proposal development.
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