Clinical Education

Our department is associated with a number of facilities that provide clinical education for medical laboratory science majors. Our clinical affiliates include dozens of hospitals, laboratories, diagnostic centers, and health systems of varying sizes, all located within a two-hour drive of campus in Delaware and surrounding states.
Several of our local clinical affiliates provide supervised phlebotomy experience for students in the fall of junior year. In the winter and spring terms of the senior year, the clinical affiliates provide supervised, structured experiences in the diagnostic laboratory disciplines of clinical chemistry, hematology, immunohematology (blood banking/transfusion services), microbiology/serology, and urinalysis. Senior students generally participate in clinical practicum experiences at three affiliates, including a large medical center and community hospital settings.
During the clinical practicum period (winter and spring terms of the senior year), medical laboratory science majors should plan for the additional expense of living off-campus at the clinical site for at least a four-week rotation when the commuting distance is excessive. Other expenses to consider for junior and senior practicums include transportation to the affiliate sites and uniforms.