Kyle McCarthy
Kyle McCarthy
Office location:
531 S. College Avenue
263 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Postdoctoral Associate, Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, 2010–2011
- Ph.D., Wildlife Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2010
- M.S., Wildlife Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2007
- B.S., Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University, 2002
Courses taught
- ENWC201 – Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Spring and Fall
- ENWC325 – Wildlife Management, Spring
- ENWC425/625 – Mammalogy, Fall
- ENWC444 – Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity, Alternate Winters
- ENWC450 – Debates in Conservation Biology, Alternate Winters
- ENWC821 – Wildlife Spatial Ecology, Alternate Springs
Research activities
- Application of advanced resource selection models and population abundance models to rare and elusive species
- Developing new methods for quantitative analysis of wildlife data
- Ecology and conservation of wild felids
- Evaluation of wildlife behavioral response to human recreation
Professional affiliations
- Society for Conservation Biology
- The Snow Leopard Network
- The Wildlife Society
7. Rahman, Hasan. In Progress. Spatial ecology of tigers and their prey in the Bangladesh Sundarbans, and potential impacts of climate change. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology.
6. Cerreta, Ariana. 2021. How habitat connectivity and barriers impact bobcat population persistence and expansion in New Jersey. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
5. Cancellare, Imogene. In Progress. Phylogeography, population structure, and landscape genetics of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) across Central Asia. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology
4. Wibisono, Hariyo. 2021. Tiger, prey, and humans: A review on population status and tiger-human conflict in Sumatra, Indonesia. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology.
3. Rahman, Hasan. 2017. Status and conservation of carnivores in human dominated landscape in North-East Bangladesh. M.S. Candidate in Wildlife Ecology.
2. Weiskopf, Sarah. 2016. Evaluating the effect of agriculture on tropical mammals via DNA recovered from parasitic leeches in Sumatra, Indonesia. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
1. Kachel, Shannon. 2014. Evaluating the efficacy of wild ungulate trophy hunting as a tool for snow leopard conservation in Tajikistan. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
25. Cancellare, I.A., Kachel, S.M., Kubanychbekov, Z., Kulenbekov, R., Pilgrim, K.L., McCarthy, K.P. and Weckworth, B.V. 2022. New distribution record of dhole from southern Kyrgyzstan using non-invasive genetic sampling. Canid Biology & Conservation 24(1):1-3.
24. Rahman, H. A., K. P. McCarthy, J. L. McCarthy, and M. M. Faisal. 2021. Application of Multi-Species Occupancy Modeling to assess mammal diversity in northeast Bangladesh. Global Ecology and Conservation, 25.
23. Haus, J. M., S. L. Webb, B. K. Strickland, K. P. McCarthy, J. E. Rogerson, and J. L. Bowman. 2020. Individual heterogeneity in resource selection has implications for mortality risk in white-tailed deer. Ecosphere.
22. Juan Li, B. V. Weckworth, T. M. McCarthy, Xuchuang Liang, Yanlin Liu, Rui Xing, Diqiang Li, Yuguang Zhang, Yadong Xue, R. Jackson, Lingyun Xiao, Chen Cheng, Sheng Li, Feng Xu, Ming Ma, Xin Yang, Kunpeng Diao, Yufang Gao, Dazhao Song, K. Nowell, Bing He, Yuhan Li, K. McCarthy, M. Y. Paltsyn, K. Sharma, C. Mishra, G. B. Schaller, Zhi Lu, S. R. Beissinger. 2020. Defining priorities for global snow leopard conservation landscapes. Biological Conservation. Volume 241, 1-10
21. McCarthy, J., J. Holden, D. Martyr, & K. McCarthy. 2019. Nesolagus netscheri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T14662A45178557.
20. Cabrera-Cruz, S. A., J. A. Smolinsky, K. P. McCarthy, and J. J. Buler. 2019. Urban areas affect flight altitudes of nocturnally migrating birds. Journal of Animal Ecology, 1-15.
19. Weiskopf, S., J. McCarthy, K. McCarthy, A. Shiklomanov, H. Wibisono, & W. Pusparini. 2019. The conservation value of forest fragments in the increasingly agrarian landscape of Sumatra. Environmental Conservation, 1-7.
18. Weiskopf, S., K. McCarthy, M. Tessler, H. Rahman, J. McCarthy, R. Hersch, M. M. Faisal, and M. E. Siddall. 2018. Using terrestrial haematophagous leeches to enhance tropical biodiversity monitoring programmes in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55:2071-2082.
17. Tessler, M., S. Weiskopf, L. Berniker, R. Hersch, K. P. McCarthy, D. W. Yu, and M. E. Siddall. 2018. Bloodlines: mammals, leeches, and conservation in southern Asia. Systematics and Biodiversity, 16:488-496.
16. McCarthy, T., Mallon, D., Jackson, R., Zahler, P. & McCarthy, K. 2017. Panthera uncia. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017.
15. Hudson, L. N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill S. L. L., Lysenko, I., De Palma A., McCarthy, K.P,… Purvis, A. 2017. The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 145–188.
14. Kachel, S., K. P. McCarthy, and T. McCarthy. 2016. Evaluating the impact of wild ungulate trophy hunting on snow leopard conservation in Tajikistan. Oryx
13. Weiskopf, S. R, S. M. Kachel, and K. P. McCarthy. 2016. What are snow leopards really eating? Identifying bias in food-habit studies. Wildlife Society Bulletin
12. McCarthy, J.L., Wibisono, H.T., McCarthy, K.P., Fuller, T.K. and Tajung, I. 2015. Assessing the distribution and ecology of small felid species in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra. Journal of Global Ecology and Conservation 3:210-221.
11. Hunter, D., K. P. McCarthy, and T. McCarthy. 2014 in T. McCarthy and D. Mallon, editors. Snow Leopards of the World. Elsevier.
10. McCarthy, K. P., and R. J. Fletcher Jr. 2014. Does hunting activity for game species have indirect effects on resource selection by the endangered Florida panther? Animal Conservation.
9. McCarthy, J. L., T. K. Fuller, K. P. McCarthy, H. T. Wibisono, and M. C. Livolsi. 2012. Using camera-trap photographs and direct sightings to identify possible refugia for the Vulnerable Sumatran striped rabbit Nesolagus netscheri. Oryx 46:438–441.
8. McCarthy, K. P., R. J. Fletcher Jr., Christopher T. Rota and R. L. Hutto. 2012. Predicting Species Distributions from Samples Collected along Roadsides. Conservation Biology 26:68–77
7. McCarthy, K. P. 2012. A tale of two snow leopards. In D. Hunter, editor. Voice of Snow Leopard. University Press of Colorado. USA.
6. McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Effects of spatial disturbance on common loon nest site selection and territory success. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:289–296.
5. McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Common loon nest defense against American mink. Northeastern Naturalist 18:247–249.
4. McCarthy, J. L., K. P. McCarthy, and T. K. Fuller. 2010. Assessing Variation in Wildlife Diversity in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan Using Ancillary Camera-trap Photos. Mountain Research and Development 30:295–301.
3. McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2010. Bald Eagle predation on Common Loon egg. Journal of Raptor Research 44:249–251.
2. McCarthy, K. P., T. K. Fuller, M. Ming, T. McCarthy, and K. Jumabaev. 2008. Assessing estimators of snow leopard abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72:1826–1833.
1. McCarthy, T., J. Kahn, J. Ud-Din, and K. P. McCarthy. 2007. First Study of Snow Leopards Using GPS-Satellite Collars Underway in Pakistan. Cat News 46:22–23.