Current Retirees

This webpage is intended for current University of Delaware retirees. If you are a retiree enrolled in the State Employees' Pension Plan (SEPP) please visit the State of Delaware Office of Pensions website.  

Coming Soon

State of Delaware

Medicare Open Enrollment

Oct. 14-25, 2024

Medicare Eligible Supplement Rates for Retiree and/or Spouse

  Total Monthly Rate University Share Employee/Retiree Share
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware Special Medicfill WITH Prescription
Retiree and/or Spouse $506.46 $481.14 $25.32
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware Special Medicfill WITHOUT Prescription
Retiree and/or Spouse $287.14 $272.78 $14.36  
Medicare Supplement plans are provided at no cost for UD retirees who retired on or before 7/1/2012.
HBCBSD Special Medicfill WITHOUT prescription is offered for Medicare participants enrolled in a separate Medicare Part D plan.




Dental: Dental Plan through the State of Delaware

Vision: UD Vision benefits




  • Please use the Secure Document Submission Form to provide HR with important documents. Log-in with your Employee ID and password and follow the directions on the form.   

Qualifying life events are the following:

  • You marry or divorce;
  • Your employment or your spouse’s employment status changes;
  • Your spouse or your dependent child dies;
  • Your dependents become ineligible for coverage;
  • You turn age 65 and become eligible for Medicare.

You have up to 30 days from the date of the event to add/remove a spouse and/or dependent. Benefits will be retroactive to the date of birth, adoption, marriage, or date of loss of other coverage.

In the event of such a change, follow these steps:

  • Complete a Retiree Family Status Change Form
  • Submit the form and supporting documents to or through our secure site found at the top of the forms page
  • For Medicare enrollment, we encourage you to apply for your Medicare A & B coverage three months before you are eligible.  The effective date for Medicare coverage is the first of the month you turn age 65.  Waiting to apply within the 30- day life event period, may result in duplicate coverage.

For questions, please email or call 302-831-2171.

Retirement Programs

Retirement Eligibility Criteria

Employees must meet one of the following age and service retirement criteria, under the Rule of 75:

  • any age and 30 benefits-eligible years of service
  • age and service when combined equal 75 (must be at least age 55 when combined with service; must have at least 10 benefits-eligible years of service when combined with age).

Retirement Savings Plan

The 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan for faculty and most exempt staff, affords a variety of payout options at retirement. Please refer to the 403(b) Retirement Plan Annual Contribution Limits for information about IRS limits that are applicable to the plan. There are various income options at retirement, including lifetime annuity income, fixed period annuities, deferred income, systematic withdrawals, lump sum withdrawals, and interest-only payments. Virtual one-on-one counseling sessions are available by retirement plan advisors. Contact TIAA (phone: 800-842-2776)or visit their website to schedule an appointment online. For Legacy accounts at Fidelity, call 800-343-0860.

University Benefits

Health Insurance

Retirees and their spouses under age 65 may continue their Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield or Aetna coverage at the same cost as active employees.

At age 65, a retiree or a spouse may apply for an individual Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan that is supplemental to Medicare and includes participation in prescription drug coverage through SilverScript, a division of CVS Caremark.

The University pays 95% of the cost of this Medicare supplement for the retiree and/or spouse; however, eligible retirees and their spouses are required to also participate in Medicare A & B. The surviving spouse and eligible dependents of a deceased retiree are also entitled to continued coverage.

Dental Insurance

University retirees and their eligible dependents have the opportunity to join the State of Delaware dental program with either Dominion Dental HMO or Delta Dental PPO. Retirees pay the full cost for the dental plan coverage.

Vision Program

Retirees and their eligible dependents may participate in the University’s vision program through National Vision Administrators (NVA). Retirees pay the full cost for the vision plan coverage.

Life Insurance

Retirees who meet the University’s age and service criteria have a one-time opportunity at retirement to continue part of their MetLife group life insurance coverage at their own cost. The retiree life insurance plan is renewable term insurance which decreases in amount as the retiree reaches higher age brackets.

Long-term care Insurance

Retirees may apply to participate in the University’s Group Long-Term Care insurance program through Genworth. Policies may also be issued to extended  family members (e.g., parents, in-laws, grandparents, etc). Acceptance will be subject to underwriting approval.

Participants pay the full cost for this insurance and are billed directly by the carrier. The plan provides coverage for a variety of services such as nursing home care, home health care and adult day care.

Tuition Remission Program

The biological or adopted dependent children and/or spouse of University retirees are eligible for the Tuition Remission Program. The student must be a full-time matriculated undergraduate student at UD.

Course Fee Waiver

A retiree is eligible for 2 course fee waivers (up to 4 credits each) per semester (with a maximum of 6 per calendar year) for study at UD. Eligible retirees may transfer this benefit to a spouse or dependent child.

Tuition Exchange Program

University retirees are eligible to apply for scholarships for their dependent children through the Tuition Exchange Program, a reciprocal program with more than 600 other colleges and universities.

Death Benefit

For employees retired on or after July 1, 1994, the University provides a $7,000 death benefit at no cost to the retiree (assuming no duplicate coverage with the State Pension Plan).

Wellness Dollars

University retirees are eligible to use 75 Wellness Dollars each fiscal year toward approved Wellness activities.

University Transit Services

Retirees may travel by University bus without cost within the Newark area and off-campus to regularly scheduled destinations.

Parking Privileges

University retirees may apply for a free Central-lot parking permit through Parking Services. Representatives can be reached via email at, by leaving voice mail at 302-831-1184 or via the Virtual Front Office where Parking Representatives will be available Monday-Friday 8 a.m. -4:30 p.m. If retirees prefer to upgrade to another parking permit, they should contact Parking Services. If an upgraded permit is issued, the retiree will pay the difference in cost over a Central-lot permit.

University ID Card

Retirees may continue to use their University ID card to access services such as use of the Library, Carpenter Athletic Facilities/Equipment, and cultural and recreational events at employee rates.


The Human Resources staff is available to help with any questions you have about retiree benefits. You can speak with a Retirement Team Representative by calling (302) 831-2171 or by emailing

About 90 days prior to the month in which you turn age 65, you should apply for Medicare Parts A and B. Medicare will become your primary coverage on the first day of the month in which you turn 65.

UD and the State of Delaware offer a Medicare supplemental plan, Highmark Special Medicfill. It is offered with prescription coverage through SilverScript (a Medicare Part D plan) and without prescription coverage. Medicare will allow you to have only one Medicare Part D prescription plan; if you have prescription coverage elsewhere, your SilverScript plan through UD/State of DE will be terminated.

As soon as you receive your Medicare ID card (or a letter from Medicare with your ID number and effective date), please provide a copy of the card or letter to the Retirement Team, along with the completed Retiree Family Status Change form. These documents can be uploaded to our secure site here. To avoid a delay in enrollment in the Special Medicfill plan, your documents must be provided to the UD Retirement Team at least 6 weeks prior to the Medicare effective date.

The current rates for the Special Medicfill plan (with and without prescription coverage) are located on the UD Retiree Benefits website.

For more information about Medicare or to apply, visit

For free, personalized health insurance counseling, contact the Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau at (800) 336-9500.

Retirees who are State Employee Pension Plan participants should contact (800) 722-7300.

If you have additional questions, contact, or call (302) 831-2171.

University of Delaware retirees can access UD’s main recreation facility by swiping their UDID during operating hours. The CSB or “Lil Bob” houses a three-floor strength and cardio center, indoor pool, small running track, rock wall, gymnasiums, CrossFit space, workout studios, racquetball courts, locker rooms, academic classrooms, and more. Learn more about the CSB on the Delaware Campus Recreation website.

For $75 per program year (or 75 wellness dollars), University of Delaware retirees with valid UDID may purchase a CRFP for access to the following benefits:

  1. No-cost Campus Recreation fitness classes. Must register online at, discounted price will show in cart.
  2. Discount on locker rental 
  3. Personal Training packages, Fitness Assessments, InBody Assessments and Special Fitness Programs through Campus Recreation. Must register online at, discounted price will show in cart.