Staff Resources

Enhancing Campus Partnerships
Student Financial Services works with our campus partners to facilitate information exchange and to enhance processes for our students. The following resources have been designed with this in mind. If you have questions or suggestions for additional resources, please use the contact form to send us a message.
Get Help for Your Office - Hire Work-Study Students
Work-study is a form of need-based financial aid where federal funds subsidize eligible students' wages, allowing UD departments to save money in its work-force budgets.
Students are funded at 75%; this means a UD department will pay 25% of the wages of work-study-eligible student workers. The typical aid amount is $1000-$2000 per semester, allowing students to earn up to that amount at the subsidized rate.
Because of some limits in funding, not all eligible students are automatically offered work-study funding, but students can request their eligibility be reviewed by submitting a query at askSFS.
Student Financial Services is part of the UD Referral Network. If students share concerns over meeting their financial obligations or have financial holds preventing registration and need assistance, advisors can refer students to SFS through Stellic. Full step-by-step instructions and information about Stellic Referrals is available on the Stellic website.
Tuition Benefits
The University of Delaware offers a variety of educational assistance programs to meet the needs of our faculty, staff, or eligible members of their families.
Employees will find the appropriate forms by logging in to Webforms. These must be completed according to the instructions found on HR's tuition benefits website in order for the credits to appear on the student account.
To make a data or account management request, please use the form below and allow for 5-10 business days from the date of submission to receive your request. This form is for internal use only.
Submit a Question
You can ask SFS a question, report a concern about billing or financial aid, or request certain actions from SFS by selecting a category below.