Graduate Forms
For the benefit and protection of both students and the University, forms must be submitted to progress through certain milestones or change trajectory while completing a degree. Links to common forms are listed below.
International Forms
Forms that are specific to international students are housed on the Office for International Students and Scholars webpage. Questions regarding these forms should be addressed to Office for International Students and Scholars at 302-831-2115.
General Forms
General forms are divided into 2 types: PDF that must be submitted to the Gradauate College for approval so that they may be added to your student record, and online forms that are automatically sent to the appropriate unit for processing.
PDF Forms:
- 4 + 1 Course Approval
- Certificate Application for Grads
- Certificate Application for Undergrads
- Change of Major/Concentration or Degree for Grads
- Course Substitution
- Recommendation for Candidacy
- Transfer of Graduate Credit
- UD / TJU Reciprocal Reg
Online Forms:
- Graduate Student Organization Registration & Funding Requests
- Payroll Deduction
- Program Policy Statement
- Outstanding Doctoral Graduate Advising and Mentoring Award
Additional Forms
Graduation Forms
PDF Forms
- Application for Advanced Degree
- Completion Application Form for Graduate Certificate
- Dissertation Defense Cert
- Dissertation Comm. Change
- Dissertation Position Paper Committee Confirmation