Airelle O. Giordano
Airelle O. Giordano
Associate Professor
Director of Clinical Services and Residency Training
160D STAR Health Sciences Complex
Airelle Giordano is the Director of Clinical Services and Residency Training at the University of Delaware PT Clinic. She is Board Certified as a Sports and Orthopedic Clinical Specialist and an Associate Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. Airelle completed her Masters’ in Physical Therapy from the University of Delaware in 2003, her Sports Residency from UD in 2004 and her transitional DPT in 2007. Her current clinical focus is on post-concussion rehabilitation, complicated knee injuries and performing artists. She also focuses on mentoring the next generation of sports and orthopedic specialists. She has presented nationally and internationally on topics related to concussion, Residency training and rehabilitation of Orthopedic and Sports conditions.
Delaware: J1-0001780
Dec 2007 |
Temple University |
Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy |
Aug 2003 - Sept 2004 |
University of Delaware |
Sports Physical Therapy Residency |
Aug 2003 |
University of Delaware |
Masterof Science in Physical Therapy |
May 2003 |
Kent State University |
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology |
Hunter A, Hurd W, Axe M, Snyder-Mackler L: Injuries and rehabilitation of the female shoulder. In: Andrews JR, Wilk KE, Reinhold M (eds): The Athlete’s Shoulder, 2nd ed. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone
Hunter-Giordano A, Burlovich E, Manal Tara Jo: Rehabilitation Following ACL Reconstruction: Update on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries APTA Monograph 2008
Hunter-Giordano A, Pongetti-Aglietti G, Voelker S, Manal T. The Performing Artist: Artistic Gymnastics APTA Monograph 2010.
Hunter-Giordano, A.O, Greenberg E., Fontenot M. Rehabilitation of the Patellofemoral Joint. In: Michael Higgins. Therapeutic Exercise: From Theory to Practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company; 2011: 411-464.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Fontenot M, Hunter-Giordano A, Manal T. "Management of a Music Student with Neck, Thoracic, Shoulder, Arm and Hand Pain" The Performing Arts Special Interest section of Orthopedic Magazine
Hurd W, Hunter-Giordano A, Axe MJ, Snyder-Mackler L. Data-Based Interval Hitting Program for Female College Volleyball Players. Sports Health Nov-Dec 2009;Vol 1, No. 6.
Adams D., Logerstedt D., Hunter-Giordano A., Axe MJ., Snyder-Mackler L. Current Concepts for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Criterion-Based Rehabilitation Progression. July 2012, Vol 42; 7. JOSPT.
Goodstadt N., Hunter-Giordano A., Axe M., Snyder-Mackler L. FUNCTIONAL TESTING TO DETERMINE READINESS TO DISCONTINUE BRACE USE, ONE YEAR AFTER ACL RECONSTRUCTION. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 8, Number 2 | April 2013 | Page 96
Kaan Celebi, PT, DPT; Airelle Hunter-Giordano, PT, DPT, OCS, SCS Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury (- PTNow.org) Jan 2014. http://www.ptnow.org/ClinicalSummaries/QuickDetail.aspx?cid=073de2b9-05b6-4273-bb81-e3d955e6afb0
Celebi K, Hunter-Giordano AO. Return to Rugby following PCL reconstruction. In: Brumitt J (ed), Jobst EE (Series ed). Physical Therapy Case Files: Sports Rehabilitation. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2015.
Celebi K, Hunter-Giordano AO. Spondylolysis in a Gymnast. In: Brumitt J (ed), Jobst EE (Series ed). Physical Therapy Case Files: Sports Rehabilitation. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2015.
Akinbola M, Logerstedt D, Hunter-Giordano A, Snyder-Mackler L. Ultimate Frisbee Injuries in a Collegiate Setting. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 10, Number 1 | Feb 2015 | Page 75
Arundale A, Bizzini M, Giordano A, Hewett T, Logerstedt D, Mandelbaum B, Scalzitti D, Silvers-Granelli H, Snyder-Mackler L. Exercise-Based Knee and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention: Clinical Practice Guidelines Linked to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health From the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical Therapy and the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy. JOSPT Sept 5, 2018.
Madara KC, Marmon A, Aljehani M, Hunter-Giordano A, Zeni J Jr, Raisis L. Progressive Rehabilitation After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Pilot and Feasibility Study. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 14, Number 4 | Jul 2019 | Pages 564-581
Hunter-Giordano A, McCulloch K, Elliott J. How Do We Meet the Challenges of Assessing and Managing Concussion?. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 49, Number 11 | Nov 2019 | Pages 766-767
Alsalaheen B, Landel R, Hunter-Giordano A, Shimamura K, Quatman-Yates C, Hanke T, McCulloch K. A Treatment-Based Profiling Model for Physical Therapy Management of Patients Following a Concussive Event. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 49, Number 11 | Nov 2019 | Pages 829-841
Quatman-Yates CC, Hunter-Giordano A, Shimamura KK, et al. Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment After Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2020;50(4):CPG1-CPG73. doi:10.2519/jospt.2020.0301
Brinlee A., Dickenson S., Hunter-Giordano A., Snyder-Mackler L. ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation: Clinical Data, Biologic Healing and Criterion-Based Milestones to Inform a Return to Sport Guideline. Sports Health. 2022;14(5):770-779.
- Outstanding Service Award; AASPT CSM 2022
- Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference Case Study Award: Knobel, R. Miller J. Giordano A. Implementation of Criterion-Based Return to Sport After ACLR.
- American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy 2021
- The Lynn Wallace Clinical Education and Professional Development Award from the Sports Physical Therapy Section. Jan 2013
- Alumni Award from the University of Delaware, Jan 2013
- January 2006 issue of PT magazine: “Residents and Fellows: Where are they Now?”