Frequently Asked Questions

Student Support Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers for many common questions about support resources, leaves of absence, withdrawals and academic concerns and grievances.
If you still have questions, please reach out to studentsupport@udel.edu.
Student Support and Resources
If you have questions or concerns regarding your student financial account, scholarships or financial aid, please contact Student Financial Services at 302-831-2126 or sfs-mail@udel.edu.
Student Financial Services is the only department that can remove a financial hold from your account. Please contact them at 302-831-2126 or sfs-mail@udel.edu to discuss your situation and payment plan options.
Please contact Student Advocacy & Support for the certification form, which can be completed and emailed to studentsupport@udel.edu or mailed to:
Student Advocacy & Support
University of Delaware
413 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Provide the contact information for the person who should receive the completed certification. The turnaround time for dean’s certifications is approximately two to five working days.
Always call 911, if you feel your safety is compromised.
Additionally, UD Police provides a list of safety services and resources.
UD families are invited to connect with their students through the Blue Hen Family Hub. There parents and families can:
- Access important campus news and deadlines.
- Sign up to receive personalized newsletters and announcements.
- Share updates with friends and family in the Blue Hen community.
- Connect with information and resources to help your student thrive.
Absences and Withdrawal
Please contact your college's assistant dean for assistance. Valid reasons for excused absences include documented illness, family emergencies and religious observances. You may refer to the Class Attendance policy for the complete list and detailed regulations.
Academic Resources or Grievances
We understand feeling unhappy with a grade or faculty interaction. If you believe these factors unfairly impacted your academic experience, there are steps that you can take to address the concerns as detailed in UD’s Grade Grievance and Other Related Academic Complaints policy detailed in section 3.1.10 of the Faculty Handbook.
The first step we encourage you to take is to share your concern directly with your faculty member to seek resolution. If you are unable to find agreement or such a meeting with your faculty would be inappropriate, then you should email the department chair of your faculty member regarding your concern. If you are unsure who the department chair is, we are happy to assist by providing the appropriate contact information. You may email us at studentsupport@udel.edu. If your concern is not resolved to the extent that you wish, there are additional steps you can take that are detailed in the policy linked above.
- Your college's academic assistant dean assists with academic-related issues:
- Missed class (student is not attending or engaging in class)
- Personal or educational leaves of absence
- Excused absences (student plans to return to class)
- Late withdrawal requests from individual courses
- Degree clearance and requirements
- Transfer credit evaluations
- Other academic-related concerns
- The Office of Academic Enrichment offers individual and group tutoring and can help you develop stronger studying and time-management skills through a variety of methods.
- Academic Policies
- At the University Writing Center, Blue Hens can write as well as talk, think and learn about writing.
- The Office of Disability Support Services facilitates appropriate and reasonable accommodations to incoming and current UD students, faculty and staff with disabilities, psychological or medical conditions or temporary injuries that limit their access to the UD environment.
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