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Criminal Justice

The criminal justice major offers a liberal arts approach to crime, law and justice that integrates theory, research and legal analysis. It emphasizes the history of crime and the criminal justice system, the structure of its institutions and problems faced by professionals and leaders at every level, from the halls of Congress to the urban police beat. Criminal justice is a multidisciplinary field that draws together perspectives from sociology, political science, psychology, history, philosophy and law in an effort to understand major issues surrounding the causes of criminal behavior, inequalities in the criminal justice system and the organization of criminal justice institutions. As a student in this program, you will develop the analytic tools to address the real world challenges of the criminal justice system and prepare yourself for the widest possible range of life ambitions and career goals.
Sociology Education
- Criminology
- Criminal Law
- International and Comparative Criminal Justice
- Crime and Inequality
- Restorative Justice
- Criminal Justice Institutions and Systems
- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
- Substance Abuse
- Criminal Justice Policy
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Probation and Parole Officer
- Lawyer
- Paralegal
- Court Administrator
- Victim Services Counselor
- Financial Fraud Investigator
- Research Analyst
- Law
- Criminology/Criminal Justice
- Social Sciences
- Public Administration
- Social Work
- Forensic Science
What’s special about this program?
Faculty members in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice have achieved national and international recognition for their published research and other scholarly activities. They have won numerous teaching and advisement awards at the departmental, college and university levels. The department is affiliated with two internationally renowned research centers: the Center for Drug and Health Studies (CDHS) and the Disaster Research Center (DRC). The major provides opportunities for experiential learning including undergraduate research, study abroad and field experience in professional settings. The Inside/Out Program allows undergraduates and incarcerated men and women to take courses together inside a state correctional institution.
Get Involved
Sociology and Criminal Justice Club
Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society
HenLaw Society
UD Mock Trial Team
Field Experience Internships
Undergraduate Research
Study Abroad
Sample curriculum
Introduction to Criminal Justice |
CRJU201 |
Problems of Law Enforcement
ENGL110 | Seminar in Composition
Contemporary Mathematics (or higher) |
General Psychology |
Introduction to Sociology
UNIV101 | First Year Experience
University Breadth Courses
Foreign Language Courses
CRJU202 | Problems of Criminal Judiciary
CRJU 203 | Problems of Corrections
POSC150 | Introduction to American Politics or
SOCI301 | Sociological Research
University Breadth Courses
Foreign Language Course
University Multicultural Course |
PSYC325 | Child Psychology or
PSYC334 | Abnormal Psychology
Criminal Justice Electives
Science with Lab Breadth Course
University Breadth Courses
Second Writing Requirement
Elective Courses |
POSC403 | Civil Liberties or
POSC405 | Constitutional Law
Criminal Justice Electives
Discovery Learning Experience
Elective Courses
Capstone Course |