Category: Philanthropy

Dean family photo

UD Love Lasts

One visit to campus to see her cousin who was a Blue Hen, and Marla Dean, BE82, P21, instantly knew the University of Delaware was the college of her dreams—it was love at first sight.

“My years at UD were really the best of my life. I had the best of both worlds—a really phenomenal education and the socializing,” Dean said. “I met my husband at UD, Jeff, at UD. He was also an accounting major and we were married right away after school.”

As they built their lives together as accountants in large New Jersey companies and a new home, sadly, tragedy struck when Dean’s husband was killed in a car accident. Fueled by her love for UD and her desire to honor her late husband, Dean began 10 years of giving to the University as a Delaware Diamonds Society donor, an annual leadership donor.

“UD is where we met and we both loved the school, so I knew I wanted to do something through Lerner College—where we both earned our degrees—and I set up the Jeffrey Heimann Memorial Award,” Dean said. “The fund helps a rising senior accounting major. Thirty two years after his passing, I still contribute to the fund and encourage others to do so as well.”

Now, Dean’s daughter, Taylor, EHD21, is a Blue Hen. While she still supports the memorial fund, Dean also gives to the Hillel Kristol Center and Hillel Student Group. The center and student group support the Jewish community on campus.

“Hillel is near and dear to my heart because we are Jewish and the center sustains the religion and traditions for UD students,” Dean said. “Taylor has gone to Shabbat dinners, and when she was sick, they sent her matzah balls.  It’s a great place for kids to go around the holidays when they can’t go home—many are missing the big celebrations at home and the center gives them a chance to be a part of those celebrations on campus. I will always give what I can when I can to support the memorial fund and Hillel.”

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