Career Fairs and Events

Career Fairs and Events
The UD Career Center offers a variety of career fairs and meetups throughout the academic year. To bring talented Blue Hens and employers together, we offer boutique events based on industry communities.

Spring Career & Internship Fair
Thursday, February 13, 2025 | 3–6 p.m.
Maximize your professional connections and opportunities at the biggest event of the semester! Network with employers to discuss full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities from various fields.
Important Information:
- Professional headshots will be available at the career fair and are sponsored by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Sign up for a time slot to get your headshot taken by a professional photographer.
- The fair is in-person and split into two spaces: All Career Interests & Business Fair and Engineering, Science and Technology Fair.
- Stop by in between classes or stay all afternoon!
- The fair will take place from 3–6 p.m. in the Little Bob.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and UD alumni.
About the Event
Connect with UD’s talented undergraduate and graduate students, as well as our accomplished alumni, to fill your job and internship positions, expand your professional network, and create meaningful connections.
Registration closes on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 5 p.m.
This in-person event will feature two distinct spaces:
- All Career Interests & Business Fair
- Engineering, Science & Technology Fair
When registering, you’ll select the fair location that best suits your recruitment needs. No worries, though—you’ll still be able to advertise your opportunities by major through Handshake to connect with all attending students.
The two fair spaces are conveniently located just steps apart, enabling students to access both easily and ensuring you receive maximum exposure to a wide pool of candidates. We look forward to welcoming you to UD and supporting your hiring goals!
To ensure students are fully prepared to meet you, we strongly encourage posting your available roles in Handshake in advance.
New for this year:
- Due to increased student engagement at our events, employers are welcome to bring a third representative at no additional cost! This will help accommodate the demand and reduce wait times for students eager to connect with you.
- Please note that parking information has changed from previous years! A parking location and instructions will be provided closer to the event date.
All Career Interests & Business Fair
The All Career Interests & Business Fair welcomes employers hiring across all industry areas to participate to secure candidates for their internships and full-time positions.
Top Attending Majors & Graduate Programs:
- Business Analytics
- Finance
- Marketing
- Economics
- Accounting
- Communication
- Operations Management
- Political Science
- Criminal Justice
- Health Behavior Science
- Fashion Merchandising
- English
Engineering, Science & Technology Fair
The Engineering, Science & Technology Fair welcomes employers hiring across STEM industry areas to participate to secure candidates for their internships and full-time positions.
Top Attending Majors & Graduate Programs:
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Cybersecurity
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Material Science
- Environmental Engineering
- Biological Sciences
- Computer Engineering
- Chemistry
Location & Schedule
The Little Bob (The Carpenter Sports Building)
26 N. College Ave., Newark, DE 19716
University of Delaware
Please note that parking information has changed from previous years! A parking location and instructions email will be provided closer to the event date.
Event Schedule
- Employer Check-in: 12:30–2:30 p.m.
- Career Fair: 3–6 p.m.
Registration fees are based on organization type as follows:
- $600 - Staffing Agencies & Third Party Organizations
- $525 - For-Profit Organizations
- $425 - Government Entities
- $325 - Nonprofit Organizations
We accept check and credit card payments for your participation.
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice.
We now accept online check payments. Please attempt to make all check payments online.
If you are unable to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail checks to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.
- Cancellation prior to Thursday, January 23 at 5 p.m. — 100% refund or no expectation of payment.
- Cancellation between Thursday, January 23 at 5 p.m. Thursday, January 30 at 5 p.m. — 75% refund or expectation of 25% payment.
- Cancellation after Thursday, January 30 at 5 p.m. — no refund will be issued and full payment is due.
Should the Spring Career & Internship Fair be cancelled due to inclement weather, the fair will be rescheduled to a new date within 10 days of the original date. Depending on space availability on campus, the event may be rescheduled to a virtual Handshake fair format. Should an employer not be able to attend the rescheduled date, refunds or advancing registration to a future fair will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The UD Career Center may cancel any one or more employer registrations for any reason. In doing so, it may elect to consider only its own interests and will not be required to consider the effect of any such cancellation. Should cancellation be initiated by the Career Center, a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.

Hospitality Business Management Career Fair
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 | 2:30–4:30 p.m.
Whether you are a freshman exploring the possibilities, a senior getting ready to graduate or somewhere in between; please join us for the Hospitality Business Management Career Fair!
Business professional attire is required.
We will have UD Photography present for professional headshots during the entirety of the fair!
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and UD alumni.
About the Event
The University of Delaware’s Hospitality Business Management Career Fair is open to employers interested in networking with undergraduate students for summer internships and career placement after graduation.
This career fair will be attended by students in the Department of Hospitality and Sport Business Management. Meet students in our majors: Hospitality Business Management (HOSP), Hospitality Industry Management (HSIM), and Hospitality and Event Experience Management as well as our minors: Beverage Management, Event Management, Restaurant Management, Spa and Wellness Management, and Gastronomy and Cuisines. In addition, it is open to all students in the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics.
The registration fee for this event is $400.
Registration closes on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 5 p.m.
- Networking with students: 2:30–4:30 p.m.
- Employer reception at Vita Nova: 4:30–5:30 p.m.
We look forward to connecting you with our students!
Contact Melissa Jones at mgjones@udel.edu with any questions.
The cost to attend is $400. The fee includes two representatives.
Payment Information:
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice. We are now accepting online check and credit card payments. If you are UNABLE to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail check to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Please make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing to Melissa Jones at mgjones@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.
- Cancellation prior to Tuesday, February 4 at 5 p.m. - 100% refund or no expectation of payment.
- Cancellation between Tuesday, February 4 at 5 p.m. - Tuesday, February 11 at 5 p.m. - 75% refund or expectation of 25% payment.
- Cancellation after Tuesday, February 11 at 5 p.m. - No refund will be issued and full payment is expected.
The UD Career Center may cancel any one or more employer registrations for any reason. In doing so it may elect to consider only its own interests and will not be required to consider the effect of any such cancellation. Should cancellation be initiated by the Career Center a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.

POSTPONED: business analytics networking night
Monday, March 3, 2025 | 5–6:30 p.m.
The Business Analytics Networking Night has been POSTPONED until fall.
The Business Analytics Networking Night is designed for employers to interact with undergraduate and graduate students from all majors and degrees pursuing full-time positions and internships in analytics and information systems.
Suggested dress code is business professional.
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and alumni.
About the Event
The Business Analytics Networking Night has been POSTPONED until fall.
The Business Analytics Networking Night is designed to help employers interact with undergraduate and graduate students from all majors and degrees pursuing full-time positions and internships in analytics and information systems.
Registration closes on Monday, February 17, 2025 at 5 p.m.
Top Attending Majors:
Management Information Systems, Business Analytics, Finance, Economics, Actuarial Science, Business Analytics and Information Management, CIS, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Business and Engineering, University Studies, Undeclared and more!
The cost to attend is $200 per organization.
Payment Information:
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice. We are now accepting online check and credit card payments. If you are UNABLE to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail check to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Please make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.
- Cancellation prior to Monday, February 10 at 5 p.m. — 100% refund or no expectation of payment.
- Cancellation between Monday, February 10 at 5 p.m. and Monday, February 17 at 5 p.m. — 75% refund or expectation of 25% payment.
- Cancellation after Monday, February 17 at 5 p.m. — no refund will be issued and full payment is due.
The UD Career Center may cancel any one or more employer registrations for any reason. In doing so it may elect to consider only its own interests and will not be required to consider the effect of any such cancellation. Should cancellation be initiated by the Career Center a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.

Communications, Marketing, & Media Career Meetup
Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 5–6:30 p.m.
Looking for internships and jobs in media, advertising, public relations, marketing and branding? Join us for an evening of virtual networking with employers and alumni in careers in communications and media!
Student registration opens two weeks before the event.
Important Note: There is a video component to this virtual event; come prepared as you would for a traditional, in-person career fair. Be mindful of your surroundings, limit background noise and dress for the job you want!
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and UD alumni.
We look forward to your participation!
About the Event
Join this FREE virtual recruitment and networking event where you will have an excellent opportunity to engage and connect with talented students and alumni seeking full-time, part-time, and seasonal career opportunities and career advice related to the following fields: advertising, branding, communications, graphic design media, public relations and media.
Your participation in this event will not only enhance your company's visibility, but also provide a platform to connect with talent who can contribute to your company's growth and success.
Registration closes on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 5 p.m.
Sponsored by the UD Career Center, UD Chapter of PRSSA, Blue Hen Marketing Club, the Lerner Career Services Center and the Departments of Communications, Marketing, English and Art & Design.
Top Attending Majors and Graduate Programs:
Majors: Communication, Marketing, Management, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Operations Management, Strategic Communication, Business Analytics, Finance, Political Science, Psychology
Graduate Programs: Creative Writing, teaching English as a second language, Journalism, Communication, Business and Public Administration
We look forward to connecting you with our students!
Event Participation
Participation in this event is complimentary for organizations. If you are no longer able to participate, please let us know as soon as possible.
Should you register, create a schedule and no-show to the event, you will be invoiced $100.00 to cover the resources allotted to your organization.
Please place your cancellation in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu.
*Employers are at a disadvantage when they fail to create a schedule by Tuesday, February 20, 2025 when student registration opens. Late schedule creation results in less overall student sign-ups for the organization. Employers who do not have a schedule created by Tuesday, February 27, 2025 at 5 p.m. will have their registration declined and will not participate in the event.*

Careers in Professional Selling Networking Meetup
Monday, March 10, 2025 | 5–6:30 p.m.
Are you interested in engaging with organizations that have opportunities for pursuing a career in professional selling?
Then attend this networking event to meet employers and alumni seeking to hire!
Students will have the opportunity to interact with employers and learn about career paths in sales and how to apply for jobs and internships.
Professional headshots will be available at the career fair.
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and alumni.
About the Event
The Careers in Professional Selling Networking Meetup is open to employers interested in hiring students working in sales or sales management within your organization.
Students will have the opportunity to interact with your representatives and learn about careers in professional selling and sales management, as well as internship paths and applying for jobs.
Registration closes on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 5 p.m.
Top Attending Majors and Graduate Programs:
Professional selling minor, marketing, international business, management, business undeclared, university studies, operations management, entrepreneurship, finance, economics and financial planning.
We look forward to connecting you with our students!
The cost to attend is $400 per organization.
Payment Information:
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice. We are now accepting online check and credit card payments. If you are UNABLE to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail check to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Please make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.
- Cancellation prior to Monday, February 17 at 5 p.m. — 100% refund or no expectation of payment.
- Cancellation between Monday, February 17 at 5 p.m. and Monday, February 24 at 5 p.m. — 75% refund or expectation of 25% payment.
- Cancellation after Monday, February 24 at 5 p.m. — no refund will be issued and full payment is due.
The UD Career Center may cancel any one or more employer registrations for any reason. In doing so it may elect to consider only its own interests and will not be required to consider the effect of any such cancellation. Should cancellation be initiated by the Career Center a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.

entrepreneurship internship fair
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 4–5:30 p.m.
Are you interested in speaking to companies who are recruiting for entrepreneurial-minded interns?
Attend the Entrepreneurship Internship Fair!
Students will have the opportunity to network directly with employers from many industries.
Please note: This event is only open to current UD Entrepreneurship Majors or Minors.
4–4:30 p.m.: Sophomore and Junior ENTR Majors ONLY
4:30–5:30 p.m.: Both Majors and Minors are welcome to attend!
About the Event
Join us at the Entrepreneurship Internship Fair, intended for employers hiring students majoring or minoring in entrepreneurship for internship roles.
The registration fee for this event is $100.
Registration closes on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 5 p.m.
We look forward to connecting you with our students!
The cost to attend is $100. The fee includes two representatives.
Payment Information:
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice. We are now accepting online check and credit card payments. If you are UNABLE to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail check to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Please make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation & Refund Policy:
- Cancellation after Tuesday, February 25 at 5 p.m. - No refund will be issued and full payment is expected.
Cancelations must be received in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.

Physical Therapy Career Fair
Friday, April 4, 2025 | 1–3 p.m.
If you are considering the field of physical therapy and looking for a full-time job or internship, this is the event for you!
Undergraduates interested in PT are also invited to attend.
- 12:15–1 p.m.: Open networking with second-year DPT students over professional and career readiness topics
- 1–2 p.m.: Career fair with second-year DPT students, UD PT Alumni and undergraduate students
- 2–3 p.m.: Career fair with first-year DPT, UD PT alumni and undergraduate students
Bring plenty of copies of your resume! We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and UD alumni.
About the Event
The UD Physical Therapy program is your source for high-caliber individuals with a strong foundation in interdisciplinary science. Our graduates are experts in translating this knowledge into impactful health practices, therapies, and interventions that bring immediate improvements to people's lives. Many of our students have earned accolades and scholarships for their outstanding achievements.
Join us at the Physical Therapy Career Fair and seize the opportunity to interact with these award-winning students. Find the perfect match for your organization's needs among our talented graduates. Plus, don't forget, UD undergraduate students eager to gain volunteer and shadowing experience will also be in attendance.
Unlock the potential of these exceptional candidates for your organization. Participate in our Career Fair and take the first step toward building valuable connections and partnerships.
- 10:30–12:15 p.m.: Employer fair set-up and boxed lunch
- 12:15–1 p.m.: Open networking with second-year DPT students over professional and career readiness topics
- 1–2 p.m.: Career fair with second-year DPT students, UD PT Alumni and undergraduate students
- 2–3 p.m.: Career fair with first-year DPT, UD PT alumni and undergraduate students
Registration closes on Friday, March 21, 2025 at 5 p.m.
We look forward to connecting you with our students!
The cost to attend is $300. The fee includes two representatives. Each additional representative is $35 (up to two additional representatives per table).
Payment Information:
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice. We are now accepting online check and credit card payments. If you are UNABLE to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail check to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Please make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.
- Cancellation prior to March 14, 2025 at 5 p.m. – 100% refund or no expectation of payment
- Cancellation between March 14, 2025 after 5 p.m. – March 21, 2025 at 5 p.m. – 75% refund or expectation of 25% payment
- Cancellation after March 21, 2025 at 5 p.m. – no refund will be issued and full payment is due
The UD Career Center may cancel any one or more employer registrations for any reason. In doing so it may elect to consider only its own interests and will not be required to consider the effect of any such cancellation. Should cancelation be initiated by the Career Center a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.

Blue hen sport summit & career Fair
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 | 5–6:30 p.m.
Are you pursuing a career in the sports industry?
Attend this fair to meet employers seeking to hire! Students will have the opportunity to interact with employers and learn about career paths in the sports industry and how to apply for jobs and internships.
The Sport Management Career Fair is in partnership with the Blue Hen Sport Summit. Please note that registering for this event will only register you for the career fair and not the panel taking place prior to the fair. Additional information and registration link for the panel will be coming soon!
- 2–4:45 p.m.: Blue Hen Sport Summit Panel in the Trabant MPRs - Registration link coming soon!
- 5–6:30 p.m.: The Sport Management Career Fair in Trabant MPRs.
Please note: This event is only open to current UD students and alumni.
About the Event
In partnership with the Blue Hen Sport Summit, the Sport Management Career Fair will feature employers interested in hiring students in sport management and related fields.
Students will have the opportunity to interact with representatives and learn about internships and careers in the sport management industry.
Registration closes on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 5 p.m.
Top Attending Majors: Sport Management, Hospitality Event & Experience Management, Marketing, Advertising, Hospitality Business Management
We look forward to you connecting with our students!
The cost to attend is $100 per organization. Receive an Early Bird Discount of $25 off the general fee if registering before Thursday, January 30 at 5 p.m.
Payment Information:
Payment is due prior to the event date. Please include the invoice number and copy of the invoice. We are now accepting online check and credit card payments. If you are UNABLE to process a check online, please follow these instructions.
Mail check to:
University of Delaware Career Center
401 Academy Street
Newark, DE 19716
Attn: Melissa Zeissig
Please make checks payable to: University of Delaware Career Center.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing to Melissa Zeissig at mzeissig@udel.edu. Should cancellation not be submitted in the above terms, no refund or excuse from payment will be issued.
- Cancellation after Wednesday, April 2 - No refund will be issued and full payment is expected.
The UD Career Center may cancel any one or more employer registrations for any reason. In doing so it may elect to consider only its own interests and will not be required to consider the effect of any such cancellation. Should cancellation be initiated by the Career Center a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.