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Meteorology and Climate Science
Focus on Majors: Meteorology and Climate Science: youtube.com/watch?v=WV-DbZBHmEg
Understand Our Changing Climate
As a meteorology and climate science major, you will learn how to answer questions about weather and climate that are increasingly relevant and important to all of us. Will a hurricane change course and make landfall over a coastal city? How much snow will the Northeast get this winter? What do sea surface temperatures tell us about climate change?
You will receive training in meteorology, the science of the atmosphere, that will help you understand and address events is felt throughout various sectors of society—droughts resulting in water shortages, crop damage and increased wildfire potential, or water surpluses causing flooding. You will also study the climate, which is usually considered to be an average of weather conditions over a long period of time, along with understanding the variability of climate and its extreme events. Your studies in this area will include land-ocean-atmosphere interactions, as well as the role of the sun and astronomical forces. The skills you develop in weather and climate prediction are important skills used in the agricultural, tourism, disaster management, resource management, communication and renewable energy industries.
- Atmospheric science
- Extreme weather
- Climate and climate change
- Climate modeling
- Physical and human geography
- Energy and environmental sciences
- Broadcast Meteorologist
- Forensic Meteorologist
- Research Meteorologist
- Climate Scientist
- Emergency Manager
- Renewable Energy Scientist
- Environmental Consultant
- Atmospheric Science
- Climatology
- Meteorology
- Geography
- Environmental Science
- Public Policy
- Disaster Science and Management
What’s special about this program?
You will be joining a program with a solid tradition of climate research with strong connections between weather and various sectors of society such as renewable energy, disaster management and agriculture. You will have immediate access to climate and weather experts and resources through the Office of the Delaware State Climatologist and the Center for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, both based at the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences along with the major. You will also benefit from strong, established partnerships with the National Weather Service, broadcast agencies and national climate centers. As a graduate of our program, you will satisfy the US Government’s requirements, which define “meteorologist” for the purposes of federal employment.
Get Involved
There are many opportunities on campus for students interested in the environment, such as serving as an EnvironMentor, going on extracurricular environmental field trips, and joining registered student organizations like Students for the Environment. You may be particularly interested in the UD chapter of American Meteorological Society, which you can follow on Instagram @bluehenweather.
Sample curriculum
General Chemistry |
ENGL110 | Seminar in Composition
Meteorology |
GEOG221 |
Meteorology Laboratory |
MATH241 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus A
Analytic Geometry and Calculus B
Fundamentals of Physics |
First Year Experience |
University Breadth Courses
Language or Computer Science Courses
GEOG271 | Introduction to Geographic Data Analysis
GEOG421 | Physical Meteorology
MATH243 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus B
PHYS208 | Fundamentals of Physics II
Meteorology and Climatology Field Methods Courses
University Breadth and/or Language Courses
Meteorology and Climatology Elective Courses
Discovery Learning Experience |
GEOG420 | Atmospheric Physics and Thermodynamics
MATH302 | Ordinary Differential Equations
Elective Courses
Meteorology and Climatology Elective Course
University Multicultural Courses |
GEOG423 | Atmospheric Dynamics I
GEOG452 | Seminar in Climatology
GEOG453 | Meteorological Analysis I
GEOG454 | Meteorological Analysis II
Meteorology and Climatology Elective Courses
Elective Courses |