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Management Information Systems
What I love about my major: management: youtube.com/watch?v=zisklYaxDTg
Create high-tech solutions to business challenges
As a management information systems (MIS) major, you will learn to use information technology to solve business problems and find creative competitive advantages. You will learn to leverage information technology to spot business trends, help companies achieve success and add value to business processes. You will learn to analyze needs, design user interfaces and develop custom database systems to help businesses run faster and smoother.
Organizations of all sizes need managers with MIS backgrounds for their combined expertise in computer science, business and management information systems. If you like a challenge, want to be an innovative business leader and enjoy solving business problems with creative, high-tech solutions, MIS is the right major for you.
- Computer science
- Math
- Business
- Application development
- Telecommunication
- Cybersecurity
- Management information systems (MIS)
- Business systems analyst
- IT analyst
- Technology consultant
- IT auditor
- Business systems developer
- Database analyst
- Risk assurance associate
What’s special about this program?
The Lerner College’s MIS program provides you with the latest technology to enhance your classroom learning experience and provide the skills you need for success in the global market.
You will develop a distinctive combination of skills in business and technology, while also customizing your degree with a professional concentration in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing or operations management.
During your senior year, you and your classmates will work in teams at local companies to solve real-world business problems and implement solutions.
MIS offers exciting real-world opportunities, like as study abroad, and during your senior year, you and your classmates will work in teams at local companies to solve real-world business problems and implement solutions.
Get Involved
Accounting Students Association
Accounting & MIS Peer Mentors
Alpha Kappa Psi
Blue Hen Financial Planning Club
Blue Hen Investment Club
Delta Sigma Pi
Lerner College Trading Center
Lerner Student Advisory Board
Women in Business
Sample curriculum
Introduction to Microeconomics
MATH221 | Calculus I
Business Computing
Basics of Business
First-Year Writing
Calculus 1
ECON103 | Introduction to Macroeconomics
University Breadth Courses
Elective Course
ACCT207 | Accounting I
MISY261 | Business Information Systems
STAT200 | Basic Statistical Practice
ACCT208 | Accounting II
MISY225 | Intro. to Programming Business Applications
MISY262 | Fundamentals of Business Analytics
MISY250 | Business Telecommunications Networks
University Breadth Courses and/or Foreign Language
Elective Courses
BUAD301 | Introduction to Marketing
BUAD306 | Service & Operations Management
BUAD309 | Organizational Behavior
FINC311 | Principles of Finance
MISY350 | Business Application Development II
COMM212/HOSP230 | Oral Communications in Business or
MISY330 | Database Design & Implementation
Concentration Course
University Breadth Courses
Elective Course |
MISY427 | Informationa Technology and Oganizational Effectiveness
MISY430 | Systems Analysis & Implementation
MISY431 | MIS Project Management
MISY432 | MIS Projects
MIS Elective Courses
Concentration Courses
University Breadth Course and/or Foreign Language