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Asian Studies

Majors and minors study how different local, national and regional cultures interact within Asia and beyond. The program draws on the strengths of specialists in anthropology, art history, Chinese, Korean and Japanese language, literature and culture history, music, philosophy and religion, politics and international relations, sociology and criminal justice. Students may major or minor in the program, with an Honors option also available. Asian Studies complements a host of other majors, including fashion, business, game studies and linguistics.. The program encourages students to further deepen cultural and linguistic engagement through study abroad.
- Islam in Southeast Asia
- Writing in Asian scripts
- K-pop, anime, manga and video games
- Buddhism and Taoism
- The Asian Development Model
- Cultural cooperation and conflict
- Past, present, and future Asias
- Asian Country Risk Analysis
- Asian Student Liaison
- Japan Exchange/Teaching Program
- Management Consulting
- International IT
- Translation
- English Instruction in China
- Business
- Chinese Literature
- Humanitarian Policy
- Japanese History
- Journalism
- Law
- Security Policy
What’s special about this program?
Asian Studies brings Asia into the classroom and brings students to Asia. Enrichment opportunities are wide reaching: study abroad in China and Japan, courses pairing Asia and the American students, virtual learning with students in Malaysia, field trips, lecture and film series, and student interest groups. Those looking for Asia in popular culture can explore the library’s extensive film collection ranging from the epic “Hero” to the seemingly placid “Tokyo Story”— plus a wide range of anime, manga and video games complete with consoles for student use. The Media Center in Jastak-Burgess Hall also offers a wide range of computer programs and other resources to support language learning.
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