Black History Month
January 31, 2025
UD to celebrate the critical contributions and activism of Black Americans
February is Black History Month, and the University of Delaware community will host a series of events, lectures, book giveaways, exhibitions and more to celebrate the critical contributions and activism of Black Americans.
Learn about Black history at UD.
What: Black Histories at UD StoryMap.
Where: Online.
Know this: Explore a virtual tour that ties stories of Black community members, students, faculty members and racial justice activists to specific sites on the UD campus and the greater Newark area.
More info: The StoryMap, which tells previously under-researched and overlooked histories, was funded and conceived through the UD Anti-Racism Initiative (UDARI) and supported by the work of the Campus Tour Committee, now the Black Histories at UD Committee.
Attend an event.
What: “Black Diasporic Food and Storytelling as a Form of Social Activism.”
When: Wednesday, Feb. 12, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Perkins Student Center West Lounge.
Know this: Join a conversation about the community resilience of the Black diaspora through its use and development of food.
More info: RSVP and learn more on SDI’s StUDent Central page.
Participate in a book giveaway.
What: In celebration of Black History Month, Student Diversity and Inclusion will give away We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy, a collection of essays by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Rage: On Being Queer, Black, Brilliant . . . and Completely Over It by Lester Fabian Brathwaite.
When: All month.
More info: Participate in the Black History Month book giveaway online or visit the physical entry location at the Center for Intercultural Engagement (Perkins 261).
Attend a discussion.
What: Hot Takes Over Hot Plates.
When: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Center for Intercultural Engagement.
Know this: Join a conversation about cultural resilience through storytelling — asking questions like, What does it mean to have pride in your culture? How do you cultivate that pride? and How can we use storytelling to empower ourselves and support our communities?
More info: RSVP on SDI’s StUDent Central page.
Explore an exhibition.
What: Transcendent Resilience: Black Women, Artivism and the Carceral State.
When: Feb. 4 through Aug. 8, 2025, during Morris Library’s operating hours.
Where: Morris Library’s Information Room.
Know this: The exhibition explores the powerful intersection of art, activism and systemic injustice through the lens of Black women’s lived experiences.
More info: Curated by graduate students from UD’s museum studies program, Transcendent Resilience is a testament to the strength and creativity of Black women navigating systemic challenges. Through this rich, thought-provoking exhibition, visitors will gain insight into the ways Artivism serves as a catalyst for resistance, healing and community-building.
Read, listen and watch.
Student Diversity and Inclusion shares the following resources for further learning.
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